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科学没有什么谦虚不谦虚的问题。With science, modesty or immodesty is not the issue.

如果我可以毫不不慎它,我是热门的话题。If I may say it without immodesty , I was the talk of the town.

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因此,他们不慎常常驱使他们顶着墙壁。Consequently, their immodesty often drives them up against the wall.

因此,他们不慎常常驱使他们面对的是墙壁。Consequently, their immodesty often drives them up against the wall.

在托马斯的生日聚会上,查理不慎砸坏了托马斯的生日蛋糕。In Thomas birthday party, Charlie immodesty smashed Thomas birthday cake.

谈到他的新员工,黑斯廷斯滑过一个罕见的不谦虚的一瞥。Speaking to his new hires, Hastings lets slip a rare glimpse of immodesty.

今天,“不谦虚”已经像广告一样常见,并且都出于同样的原因。Today, immodesty is as ubiquitous as advertising, and for the same reasons.

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三叔在外出时不慎暴露了身份,被中村等人盯上。Three uncle when they are away from the immodesty exposed the identity, etc.

最糟糕的是,不慎采取许多远离他们的同事和朋友的年轻人。Worst of all, immodesty takes many young people away from their colleagues and friends.

以防止我花了一百多元理的帅头不慎被火点着。In order to prevent I spend over 100 dollars reason of handsome head immodesty drive fire point.

把往昔那圣歌的雄伟壮丽与购物季节的无礼和过度分开,那又何妨呢?What matters is not just the disjunction between the majesty of those old hymns and the immodesty of this shopping season.

无法欢乐时光总是持久的,在她十八岁生日派对上,贝拉不慎割伤了胳膊,流淌的鲜血勾起了爱德华家人嗜血的本性。But happy time always short, in her 18th birthday party, Bella immodesty cut the blood flowing arm, the family bloodthirsty nature Edward.

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她没有享受性爱的权利,如果她不生孩子,丈夫就会捏造她行为不捡而和她离婚或解除婚约。She wasn't allowed to enjoy sex and if she was barren he could have the marriage annulled or divorce her on a trumped up charge of immodesty.

在一个涉世未深,不如杜歇夫人那么见多识广的人的嘴上,这样的话未免带有傲慢、甚至狂妄的味道。On the lips of a person less advanced in life and less enlightened by experience than Mrs. Touchett such a declaration would savor of immodesty , even of arrogance.

幼儿园女教师领学生游泳,不慎露出一根X毛,一学生问老师,那是什么啊女教师一狠心将其拔掉,说线头!Kid's park female teacher get a student swimming, the immodesty peep out a X hair, a student ask a teacher, that is what female teacher a cruel pull out it, say a line head!