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大石?半岛抑是岛?Rock? peninsula or island?

这辆公交车会到半岛酒店吗?Does this bus go to The Peninsula?

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九龙红磡半岛广场。ING Peninsula Square, Hung Hom, Kln.

他位于Yamai半岛。It is located on the Yamal Peninsula.

上海半岛橱具有限公司。Shanghai Peninsula Kitchen Co. , Ltd.

解放战争时期,胶东半岛。War of Liberation, Shandong Peninsula.

尚不清楚它是一个岛屿还是半岛。Unknown whether it is an island or a peninsula.

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大连位于辽东半岛南部。Dalian is in the south of the Liaodong Peninsula.

我要寻找的东西的基奈半岛。I would look for something on the Kenai Peninsula.

位于亚洲东部,朝鲜半岛北半部。Located at Asia east, north Korean Peninsula half.

从行政区域来讲,这里已经是泰梅尔半岛了。Administratively, it’s already the Taymyr Peninsula.

三枚导弹全部落于朝鲜半岛东海岸水域内。All landed in water of eastern coast Korea Peninsula.

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黄沙将要侵袭朝鲜半岛。Yellow dust was expected to hit the Korean peninsula.

运动是围绕巴林半岛。The movement was centred around the Bahrein peninsula.

动物园中还有两只来自马来半岛的合趾长臂猿。The zoo also has two siamangs from the Malay peninsula.

位于旧金山半岛的尽头,it's at the end of the peninsula here in San Francisco,

我的家乡大连坐落于辽东半岛。My hometown dalian is located in the liaodong peninsula.

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伊拉克人仍然控制着法奥半岛的一部分。The Iraqis still control a portion of the Fao peninsula.

这个半岛被开凿运河,以节省船只的旅行时间。The peninsula was canalized to save ships traveling time.

⑩我们会住在半岛酒店和海滩度假山庄。We will stay in Peninsula Hotel and Beach Holiday Resort.