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缺乏独有的内容。Lack of exclusive content.

这是一个狭义搜索。This is an exclusive search.

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他要求完全的忠诚。He demands exclusive loyalty.

这是一个炫技独家。This is a Virtuoso exclusive.

专属提供运动型座椅。Exclusive provide motile seats.

它们不互相排斥。They are not mutually exclusive.

使用以下命令创建排他的资源集To create an exclusive rset, run

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独家无刺激性配方。Exclusive non-irritating formula.

客人打球费用另计。Exclusive of guest's golfing fee.

模式都是互相排斥的。The modes are mutually exclusive.

给他们提供独家新闻或内容。Offer them exclusive news or content.

但是在性上面,鸟类并不排他。Yet, they are not sexually exclusive.

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现场表演,新闻和独家。Live performances, news and exclusive.

简单的决策总是独占性的。Simple decisions are always exclusive.

硪的幸富由谁独家赞助!My happiness Who exclusive sponsorship!

她在一个贵族化的学校完成教育。She was finished at an exclusive school.

他上耶鲁之前在贵族学校上学。He attended exclusive school before Yale.

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这一趋势不仅仅发生在德州农工大学。That trend is not exclusive to Texas A&M.

这家报纸独家报道这个材料。The story is exclusive to this newspaper.

这家商店是磁器专卖店。This shop is an exclusive porcelain shop.