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一个游吟歌手迈进了大门!A minstrel enters at the door!

压轴巡游演出中的最后艺人。The end man in a minstrel show.

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一位游吟歌手迷失其途。A minstrel wandered once that way.

游吟歌手将长笛置于唇前。The minstrel set flute to his lips.

游吟歌手漫步四野。The minstrel wandered far and wide.

那个黑人歌舞团正在全国各地巡回演出。The Negro minstrel is touring the country.

哦,顺便介绍一下,我是艾伦。戴尔,一个诗人。Oh incidentally I'm allan-a-dale a minstrel.

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哦,亲爱的快给我唱情歌。Our minstrel sweet oh synge unto me roundelaie.

滑稽说唱团演出有音乐、舞蹈和喜剧。Minstrel shows included music, dance and comedy.

在来到这里之前,这个吟游诗人已经去过很多地方。The minstrel had been to many places before he came here.

在来到这里之前,这个吟游诗人已经去过很多地方。The minstrel has been to many places before he came here.

在职业任务中,通过吟游诗人可以召唤裂牙。Cracktooth can be summoned by a Minstrel on a class quest.

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好吧,那个裸奔的吟游诗人在哪?我们得把这事摆平。OK, where is the streaking Minstrel?We've got to put an end to this.

阿尔弗雷德大帝曾亲自充当间谍,扮作游吟歌手侦查丹麦的军队营地。Alfred acted as his own spy, visiting Danish camps disguised as a minstrel.

一流的黑人演奏队来到了这个小镇,引起了轰动。The first of all the negro minstrel shows came to town, and made a sensation.

你老是渴望嫁给另一个男人,“卖唱的说,”我听了真气愤。I do not like you to always be wishing for another husband, " said the minstrel ."

阿尔佛雷德作为自己的侦探,伪装成一个歌手,成功潜入了丹麦人的营地。Alfred the great acted as his own spy visiting danish camps disgused as a minstrel.

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阿尔弗雷德大帝曾亲自充当间谍。他扮作吟游歌手到丹麦军队的营地里侦察。Alfred the great acted his own spy , visiting danish camps disguised as a minstrel.

阿尔弗雷德大帝曾亲自充当间谍,他假扮成一个吟游诗人到丹麦的军营去。Alfred the great acted as his own spy visiting danish camps disguised as a minstrel.

阿尔弗雷德大帝曾亲自充当间谍。他扮作吟游歌手到丹麦军队的营地里侦察。Alfred the Great acted as his own spy, visiting Danish camps disguised as a minstrel.