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配套雨罩。Matching rain hood.

找相匹配的袜子。Look for matching sock.

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也许是一副配套的脑波控制胡须吧。Maybe a set of matching whiskers.

秋天匹配高清下载。Autumn matching high-res download.

模式匹配这一章是新添的。The chapter on pattern matching is new.

选择休闲和配套行李。Choose leisurewear and matching luggage.

选择休闲服和搭配的行李箱。Chooose leisurewear and matching luggage.

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价钱包括了一个全新的头纱。I will include one new and matching veil.

所有的工具都支持通配符匹配。All of the tools support wildcard matching.

数据条目匹配与重复项消除Matching and de-duplication of data entries

见选配毛毯及一味太舒服了!See matching blankets and comfy cozies too!

必须包含匹配的人造毛皮替换板。Must include matching faux fur changing pad.

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提出了一种改进的模板匹配方法。A modified templet matching method was proposed.

红红的裙子,红红的蝴蝶结,还有长长随风飘扬的马尾辫。A pink dress, a matching bow, and her pony tail.

比赛一退格如果在字符匹配模式。Match a backspace if in character matching mode.

第一个匹配项的从零开始的索引。The zero-based index of the first matching item.

当前无匹配记录,请重新搜索!At present no matching records, please re-search!

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您亦可搭配同款戒指,打造妩媚动人的时尚风格。Add the matching ring for a trendy, feminine look.

匹配是市场所做的最大的事情之一。Matching is one of the big things that markets do.

她穿着一件大衣,里面套着一条连衣裙。She wears a black dress with matching accessories.