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不要畏惧那些警觉的哨岗。Nor fear those watchful sentinels.

中国的政策制定者们是一群谨小慎微的人。CHINA’S policymakers are a wary and watchful bunch.

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我带着伤坚定不移的前行,沿路洒满泪滴。I brought injury, perseverance and watchful along the tears.

让我们在得胜后能如同战斗前一样戒慎恐惧。Let us be as watchful after the victory as before the battle.

最后,对财务顾问声称非常一贯的回报保持警觉。Finally, be watchful for claims of all-too-consistent returns.

生活中的凯茜受到父亲特里的严格看管。Off-screen, Kathy is under the watchful eye of her father Terry.

他竟在众目睽睽之下犯下了流氓罪。He committed hooliganism even under the watchful eyes of the people.

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密切注意的绑架者发送一批战士到舱口盖。The watchful snatcher dispatched a batch of combatants to the hatch.

密切注重的绑票者发送一批兵士到舱口盖。the watchful snatcher dispatched a batch of combatants to the hatch.

后两步需要注意的问题以后会陆续贴上来。After two paces need watchful issue after, can affix in succession come.

密切关注形势的艾莱柯看准了一个绝好的冒险机会,大胆炒了一把股票。Aleck, ever watchful saw a great and risky chance, and took a daring flyer.

从那以后,她便很警惕地注意着那幢空房子是否有任何活动的迹象。From then on, she was watchful for any sign of activity in the empty house.

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这张特写显示了非洲最大的毒蛇——加蓬蝰蛇警惕的眼睛。A close-up shows the watchful eye of a Gaboon viper, Africa's largest viper.

他嘱咐我路上小心,夜里要警醒些,不要受凉。He then told me to be watchful all the time, and not catching cold at night.

彩票抽奖是在超过8,000观众的注视下进行的。This sweepstake was conducted under the watchful eyes of over 8,000 spectators.

可是他的脸上却仍然表示着一个残废者的呆视的状态和有点空虚的样子。Yet still in his face one saw the watchful look, the slight vacancy of a cripple.

这篇报道同时也提醒我,一定要更加对系统的种种行为时刻保持警惕。The report also reminded me to keep a more watchful eye on what my system is doing.

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海防战士警觉地注视着出现在海面上的黑点。The coastal guard kept a watchful eye on the black spot that had appeared out at sea.

在她的成长中,无时无刻不得恪守着阿拉伯传统大家族的条条框框。Life was strict growing up under the watchful eyes of a large traditional Arab family.

务必小心警惕。少一份压力会使你过上更加幸福、健康、长寿的生活。Be careful and watchful. Less stress will lead to a longer, healthier and happier life.