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我是个浪漫主义者。I'm a romanticist.

赫斯渥按其本性实在是一个浪漫派人物。Hurstwood was something of a romanticist after his kind.

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我总想鲁迅在骨子里其实是一个浪漫主义者。I always want to Lu Xun in the bones is actually a romanticist.

这首诗反映了华兹华斯这位浪漫主义作家对大自然的强烈的爱。It reflects Wordsworth's strong love of nature as a romanticist.

徐志摩将西方“新浪潮”的浪漫主义诗歌风格引入中国诗,并因此闻名。Xu is renowned for importing "New Wave" romanticist poetry into Chinese verse.

阿浪漫主义读漫画书的树,喜欢在一个白日梦。A Romanticist reading comic books under the tree, loves to be in a daydreaming.

此款似乎是专门为新古典浪漫主义者量身打造。This seeming to is specialized to measure a body to create for the lately classic romanticist.

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作为一个前期浪漫主义作家,他运用夸张的手法,来描绘那些历史事件和现实生活。As an early romanticist , he depicted those events in history and real life in an exaggerate way.

与瓦格纳和贝多芬一道称霸19世纪乐坛的还有德国古典派和浪漫派作曲家布拉姆斯。With Wagner and Beethoven, the classicist and romanticist Brahms dominated the music of the 19th century.

世界文学的经典作品之一,由伟大的英国浪漫主义诗人雪…One of the masterpieces in world literature produced by the great English romanticist poet Percy Bysshe Shelly.

李白是唐代伟大的浪漫主义爱国诗人,生活在唐王朝由鼎盛转入衰败时期。Li Bai is a great romanticist poet in Tang Dynasty, living in the Tang Dynasty from great prosperity to decline.

纳撒尼尔·霍桑是美国文学史上的浪漫主义小说和心理分析小说的开创者。Nathaniel Hawthorne was the pioneer of romanticist and psychoanalytic novels in the history of American literature.

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新时期伊始,中国文学的现实主义精神逐步得到恢复和发扬,浪漫主义精神仍然滞后。At the beginning of the new era, the realistic spirit of Chinese literature has been restored and carried forward step by step but the romanticist spirit still lags behind.