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罗马生菜,培根粒,烤面包块,意式干奶酪和凯撒沙拉酱。Romaine lettuce, bacon bits, croutons, parmesan & home-made caesar dressing.

至于胎动是说像小动物拌落毛样的是男孩。As regards the movement is that small animals like Romaine mix kind of a boy.

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凯撒沙拉配肉嫩多汁的鸡胸肉。Grilled chicken breast atop fresh romaine lettuce tossed with Caesar dressing.

卷心莴苣和生菜都是绿色的多叶蔬菜,因此对身体有益。Iceberg lettuce and romaine are both green, leafy vegetables, so both are good for you.

可是你一旦死去,大脑的工作能力就跟一个生菜头没什么两样了。But once you die, the capacity of your brain is just as incompetent as a romaine lettuce head.

牛排,洋葱,青椒,蘑菇,奶酪,直立生菜,和蒜黄酱。Pan-fried beef, onion, bell pepper and mushroom, topped with cheese, romaine lettuce & garlic mayo.

你可以看到浇过CO2甘斯的莴苣,几乎和南瓜一样高,它是一种长叶莴苣。You can see the lettuce with the CO2 gans is as tall as the squash plant and it is Romaine lettuce.

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菠菜、甘蓝、白菜和莴苣是对骨头、心脏和眼睛有好处的营养食品。Spinach,kale, bok choy and romaine are great sources of nutrients helpful for bones, heart and eyes.

将莴苣、烤好的面包和半个奶酪一起放入大碗中,将剩下的奶酪撒上。Toss romaine with dressing, croutons , and half of cheese in a large bowl. Sprinkle with remaining cheese.

美生菜。罗曼生菜。樱桃蕃茄。紫高丽。红菊苣。甜椒。Iceberg Lettuce , Carrots, Romaine Lettuce , Cherry Tomato , Red Cabbage, Red Chicory, Colored Bell Pepper.

我那5岁大的儿子是个美食家,但他现在喜欢用香料调味的莴苣,这是过渡到素食的重要一步。My 5- year-old son -- a very picky eater!-- now loves romaine lettuce with balsamic dressing, a major step.

深色的生菜也是很好的选择,比如长叶莴苣比透明包心菜有多七倍的维生素C和两倍的钙。Romaine lettuce, for example, has nearly seven times the vitamin C and twice the calcium of its paler iceberg cousin.

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运输的价格是影响食品价格的一个重要因素,对于富含水的蔬菜,如直立莴苣,更是如此。Transportation costs also are a major factor in food prices, especially for water-heavy vegetables such as romaine lettuce.

里面还有直立莴苣、胡萝卜、胡椒、樱桃番茄、芹菜、鹰嘴豆和红腰豆、软干酪。There's also Romaine lettuce, carrots, peppers, cherry tomatoes, celery, garbanzo beans and or kidney beans, cottage cheese.

鸡肉,培根和南美烤肉酱配西红柿萝酱,香菜和直立生菜。Chicken and bacon covered in honey bourbon BBQ sauce, topped with spicy tomato and pineapple chutney, cilantro and romaine lettuce.

罗马生菜,凯撒汁,面包丁,咸肉碎,意大利干酪,银鱼柳,辣味虾和烤鸡丝。Romaine lettuce, Caesar dressing, croutons, bacon bits, grated Parmesan cheese, anchovies Chili spiced shrimps and roast chicken julienne.

日本消费者高价购买这些绿叶菜、长叶生菜、茼蒿等种植厂的蔬菜。The vegetables from plant factories--which include green leaf, romaine lettuce and garland chrysanthemum--are sold at a premium to Japanese shoppers.

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深色的生菜也是很好的选择,比如长叶莴苣比透明包心菜有多七倍的维生素C和两倍的钙。Or go for darker shades of greens. Romaine lettuce, for example, has nearly seven times the vitamin C and twice the calcium of its paler iceberg cousin.

新鲜的“爆浆”红莴苣佐以船员经常食用的干冻食品。然而,那是来自遥远空间站培育出来的首批作物。The fresh "Outredgeous" red romaine lettuce that accompanied the crew's usual freeze-dried fare, however, is far from the first crop grown on a space station.

我们的基本沙拉绿色结构,也生菜,胡萝卜,辣椒,樱桃西红柿,芹菜,鹰嘴豆,干酪,还有鸡肉和鸡蛋或。There's basic salad green mix, and also Romaine lettuce, carrots, peppers, cherry tomatoes, celery, garbanzo beans, cottage cheese, there's chicken and or eggs.