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后方是斑驳陆离的时光。In the rear is time.

事故发生后,一个后轮发生了爆胎。A rear tyre was flat.

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后雾灯出现故障。Rear fog light failure.

微面露后部切。Slightly cheeky rear cut.

我们走后面的太平门。We left by the rear exit.

左后轮胎气不够了。The left rear tire is low.

车房在房子的后面。A room located at the rear.

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夹于箭杆尾部。Clamps in the shaft rear part.

将扰流板安装在后轮上。Install spoiler on rear wheel.

一个后钩环的口袋里。One rear hook-and-loop pocket.

砰的一声枪响,后窗玻璃被打碎了。BANG! The rear window shatters.

安装尾部区域的车顶衬里。Install headliner in rear area.

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拆下后排靠背罩。Remove cover for rear backrest.

萨拉丁从后方加入。Saladin joined in from the rear.

拆卸后座靠背的填料。Remove padding for rear backrest.

马蹄踢在他的屁股上。The horse kicked him in the rear.

安装后扰流板的顶罩。Install top cover of rear spoiler.

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车的后部弹簧轴箱的一面。Sprung axlebox side of rear truck.

敌人后方空虚。The enemy rear is weakly defended.

我听不太明了你说的话。I can't catch what you rear endert.