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显然这类问题是不适定的,因此要做一个正则化。Obviously, the problem is ill-posed, so we need regularization.

完善法规体系是正规化建设的行为基础。Improving the legal system is the basis for regularization of the act.

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贝叶斯正则化方法提高BP神经网络的泛化能力。Bayes' regularization raises the ability to extend of BP neural network.

为了提高网络模型的泛化能力,采用规则化调整的方法。The generalization ability of the network was improved by regularization.

着重就迭代方法中第一类不适定的积分方程的正则化方法加以探讨。The article discusses over regularization methods the first kind of integral equation.

用1-范数度量数据逼近项和正则项。The algorithm adopts 1-norm to measure data approximation item and regularization item.

提出了一种将小波变换和自适应正则化方法相结合的盲图像复原算法。A wavelet based adaptive regularization scheme for blind image restoration is presented.

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土地利用结构调整又是当前产业结构调整的基础。And adjustment of land use structure is the basis of regularization of industry structure.

它包括图像边缘提取、曲线拟合、图形规则化等几部分。The techniques include extracting image edges, fitting a curve and pattern regularization.

恢复的方法有正则化方法、迭代方法、统计方法等。The usual methods include regularization method, iterative method, stochastic method and so on.

企业管理科学化、质量管理标准化、现场管理有序化。Scientific enterprise management, standardization quality management, regularization worksite management.

文中在基于最小L1范数的加性调整条件下,提出了一种新的去卷积方法。A deconvolution approach with an additive regularization term built around an minimal L1 norm is proposed.

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另外,我们还将谱方法与其它几个扩散张量场正则化方法的作用效果进行了比较研究。We then compare the performance of spectral method with several other tensor field regularization methods.

本书的第9章涵盖正规化理论架构中巴尔森窗式法的讨论。Chapter 9 contains a discussion of the Parzen windows method within the framework of Regularization Theory.

基于L-广义解正则化理论,提出了一个新的磨光方法的框架。A new framework of mollification methods based on L-generalized solution regularization methods was proposed.

首先,提出了一种基于改进正则化方法的有限角度CT图像重建算法。Firstly, a modified Tikhonov regularization CT image reconstruction algorithm from limited-angle is proposed.

它从宽泛的范围覆盖了有关在个人和公众区域的土地规划项目的问题。It covered a wide range of issues related to land regularization programmes in both private and public areas.

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本文研究单帧图像超分辨重构的正则化方法。Super-resolved image restoration technique from a single image was studied by edge-preserving regularization.

大多数图像复原问题都具有病态性质,需要利用正则化技术对问题加以约束。Most problems in image restoration are ill-posed, so regularization technique is needed to restrict the problems.

文中采用贝叶斯正则化与BP网络结合的方法,建立动态前馈校正模型。The BPNN model of Bayesian regularization method was adopted to create the adaptivity and generalization of BPNN.