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免疫系统的核心是能够辨别同类和异类。At the heart of the immune system is the ability to distinguish between self and nonself.

基于网络的入侵检测系统就是要在大量的网络数据中区分出“自我”和“非我”。Intrusion detection system based on network is differentiate self from nonself among huge network data.

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给出了自体、非自体的动态演化模型,解决的自体、非自体的动态描述问题,有效地降低了自体集合的大小。The problem of dynamic evolution of self and nonself are solved which reduces the size of self universe effectively.

有机体对免疫性的适应能力必须区分于自我和无我,并拥有一种免疫学记忆。Organisms capable of an adaptive immunity must be able to distinguish "self" from " nonself ' and possess an"immunologic memory.

口服免疫耐受是通过口服抗原后引起机体对该抗原不产生或产生低免疫反应的一种特异性无应答状态。Oral tolerance is a state of antigen-specific immunologic al unresponsiveness that can be induced by oral self or nonself antigens.

人性化安全设计,防止异物进入机内,自动复位。With anthropomorphized safety construction design, the machine can prevent the nonself from machine and serum the original position.

但是,在使自己适应环境的过程中,他逐渐意识到自我与非我之间的区别。However, in the process of adapting itself to the environment, he gradually became aware of the self and nonself the difference between.

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并根据本代理中特征库的相应特征及消除方法对已知“非我”进行消除,并负责消除失败时对“非我”重新分类以及与其他代理之间的通信。If the nonself can not be eliminated, Imitate B Agent will try to classify the nonself again, it can also communicate with other agents.

调节性T细胞让免疫系统能够摧毁外来物质,同时还能防止自我破坏,它们是免疫系统最重要的维和部队。In permitting destruction of nonself while preventing destruction of self, T-regs may prove to be the ultimate immunological peacekeepers.

通过对训练集提取规则,建立“非我”类的特征库,从而判断出“非我”程序所属的“非我”类。Rules were extracted from training set and the feature library of "nonself" class was built, so that the class that "nonself" program belongs to could be tested correctly.

这种区分“自我”和“非自我”的能力,尽管存在于所有动物中,但最为高效的,当属那些已经进化出免疫系统并将其作为一种防范机制的脊椎动物。The ability to distinguish between "self" and " nonself ", while present in all animals, is most efficient among vertebrates, which have developed an immune system as their defense mechanism.