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他很爱玩红色警戒,LOL。He likes to play red-line, LOL.

他们喜欢变化伴侣。they love changing partners, lol.

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复制中国模式?Duplicate the Chinesse Model? lol.

是啊,有个电影也是这个意思,哈哈。Yup there was a movie about it lol.

LOL为什么能渗入语言之中?Why did LOL infiltrate the language?

固执又无知,这就是我,哈哈。Opinionated and moronic, that's me, lol.

上帝不准我把LOL设想为“许多爱”的英文缩写。God forbid I assume LOL means “lots of love”.

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这是我这个月读到的最有趣的。LOL the funniest thing I have read in months.

但是LOL真地是懒惰、孩子气的混合物吗?But is "LOL" really a lazy, childish concoction?

我不知道你们在胡说八道什么。I don't know what b. s. you guys are saying lol.

哈哈,香港人自己才是真英雄!!!LOL HongKonger themselves were the real hero! ! !

你要向那大猩猩学几下秘招。哈哈。You need to take some tips from the gorilla. lol.

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哇哦,又一次冷战!!!就在我们需要它的时候!笑。Wow, another "cold war"! ! ! Just when we need it! lol.

很好的文章,丹,同时很有娱乐性。哈哈哈。Great post, Dan, and entertainingly written as well. LoL.

鞠躬三次,笑?我们在葬礼时才那样做。Bow three times, lol? That's what we do at funerals buddy.

中国的广场舞已经传到了全世界每一个角落了。Lol. The Chinese square dance has spread to other countries.

你们美国人真的很热衷于扮演世界警察的角色啊。You people really enjoy playing the role of world police lol.

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另一位抱怨lol“听起来并不像笑声。Another complains that lol "doesn't sound anything like laughter.

犀牛,大家都知道你有一条尾巴,四只腿,十二只脚趾。Rhino, everybody knows you got one tail, four feet, twelve toes lol.

哈哈,你以为美国人都跟你一样愚蠢和无知?Lol – Do you think the Americans are as stupid and ignorant as you are?