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进来一安士喷雾。Comes in an 8oz spray.

我的润喉剂喷筒丢了。I've lost my throat spray.

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喷涂进气口后面的蓝色。Spray blue behind the intake.

买个好的皱褶喷雾。Invest in a good wrinkle spray.

买一些好的防皱喷雾。Invest in a good wrinkle spray.

使用防晒喷雾时要小心。Use spray sunscreens carefully.

你用水龙带喷他们水了吗?Did you spray them with the hose?

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他的钮孔中插着一簇花。He had a spray in his buttonhole.

怎样使用这种喷雾式护理剂?How do I use this spray treatment?

我建议用除菌喷雾处理。I suggest an anti-bacterial spray.

用不粘锅烹饪试的喷雾。Spray with nonstick cooking spray.

绝对让你喷血!!!Absolutely let you spray blood! ! !

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一些人还会带上山萸。Some will carry a spray of dogwood.

白色表面是喷涂而成的。The white surface is spray painted.

你不需要每年喷洒这种细菌。You don't have to spray every year.

勿向食物和食具喷洒。Do not spray over food or tableware.

他把水喷在花上。Eg. He spray water over the flowers.

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包括喷雾和直接淬火。Includes spray and direct quenching.

是那盐、云和苦涩的浪。Salt and cloud and the bitter spray.

喷枪的分类及类型。Classification and type of spray gun.