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尊敬的阁下,我叫理查德·萨维奇。My name is Richard Savage, your Lordship.

你必须顺服耶稣基督的主权。You must submit to the lordship of Jesus Christ.

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从此爱尔兰大领主和英国国王这两个头衔便永远结合在一起。And the lordship of ireland was merged for good in the crown of england.

这位爵爷气得满脸通红,说不出话来,便不再说什么了。Here words failed his lordship who went red in the face and said no more.

在耐奥祖被赐予的能力中,最强大的就是支配死亡的权力。Among the abilities bestowed upon the Lich King was lordship over death itself.

基督徒承认世界各地的贵族身份和上帝的天佑的照顾。Christians confess the lordship and the providential care of God over the world.

按着国度不同的本质,基督徒在基督的主权之下同时生活于两个不同的国度之中。In each Christians live under Christ's lordship according to the nature of that kingdom.

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蓝礼和他差不多,统治风息堡,手握王权。Renly is in a similar position regarding his kingship and his lordship over Storm's End.

十万金龙,50张来自富饶岛屿的兽皮,一座城堡和一个爵位。One hundred thousand golden dragons, fifty hides of fertile land, a castle, and a lordship.

按着各国度不同的本质,基督徒在基督的主权之下同时生活于两个不同的国度之中。In each kingdom, Christians live under Christ's lordship according to the nature of that kingdom.

不管你是单身还是已婚,把你的性行为置于上帝的伟大力量之下才是长久之计。Putting our sexuality under Christ's lordship is a lifelong discipline, whether single or married.

人们不能向耶稣基督的贵族身份,向天主和他的词为终极权威。One cannot submit to Christ's lordship without submitting to God and His Word as the ultimate authority.

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主教大人慈悲为怀--这自然没说的。可是违背惯例是要负重大责任的。Your lordship is merciful, of course. but it is a great responsibility to depart from the usual practice.

让科学回到属于它的地方,指的是使我们的思维和研究方式顺服于神的带领。To bring science back to its proper place is to submit our minds and methods under the Lordship of Christ.

如果我们想要聆听神的声音,我们必须对耶稣基督的权柄持臣服的态度,并且学会被圣灵所引领走完我们的人生之路。If we want to hear from God, we must yield our attitudes to the lordship of Jesus Christ and learn to be led of the Spirit in all of our ways.

我是个闲散书生,不善奉承,以前当众向大人致意时,实已竭尽了取宠之能事。When I had once addressed your Lordship in public, I had exhausted all the art. of pleasing which a retired and uncourtly scholar can possess.

他自己的一百个高庭亲兵已经被安插到金袍子里,而显而易见的是他看起来相当抵触有西边的人来平衡一下。A hundred of his own Highgarden men had been added to the gold cloaks yet plainly his lordship meant to resist any balancing infusion of westermen.

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如果你要过完全脱离上帝的生活,享受肉体的快乐、放纵自已的欲望、无拘无束任意而行,完全不受耶稣基督的支配,那就去做吧!Pleasing your own flesh. Your own desires, under the control of your own will without any restraints, without any Lordship of Jesus Christ, go ahead and do it!

成为统治这大地唯一的大王,或上生天界,或统治全宇宙,都远远比不上证悟须陀洹果。Better than sole sovereignty over the earth, better than going to heaven, better even than lordship over all the worlds is the supramundane Fruition of Stream Entrance.

海洛因本是人类王国北领地的次王子,但他在意图谋杀身为封邑继承者的兄长后被放逐了。Heroin was once the second prince of the human kingdom's northern lordship, but he was banished because he tried to murder his brother, the heir of his lord father's lordship.