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身强力壮。And grow strong.

不要是强力皂。Avoid strong soaps.

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强一致性。Strong consistency.

咻咻地刮著强风。Strong winds howls.

你更须坚强。You must be strong.

毋恐无怵,自强不息。Fear not, be strong.

他长得强壮和高。He's strong and tall.

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我重又坚强、心高。And I am strong again.

教育强市。Education Strong City.

震感非常强烈。It felt pretty strong.

行情看涨。Market will be strong.

谁弱又谁强。Who is weak or strong?

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一个优良品种形成了。A strong breed emerged.

我像耕牛一样强壮。I'm as strong as an ox.

我的自尊心太强了。My pride is too strong.

这种威士忌挺冲。This whiskey is strong.

我的心脏一定很坚强。My heart must be strong.

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你必须保持身强体壮。You have to stay strong.

你当刚强壮胆!Be strong and courageous.

我们又怎能不坚强呢?How can we not be strong?