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流感有非常有效的传播机制。Flu has a devilishly efficient transmission mechanism.

这些看似健康的习惯可能会对你造成极大的伤害。These `healthy` habits could be devilishly bad for you.

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有的人看到神白白赐下的恩典,就奸笑起来。Some people eye God's free gift of grace and grin devilishly.

这问题问起来似乎很简单,却极难给出答案。It is a simple-sounding question, but devilishly hard to answer.

第二,选择三明治是个极其复杂的问题。The second is that the sandwich choice is devilishly complicated.

第三是多数最好的技术仍然非常昂贵。Third, much of the best technology is still devilishly expensive.

两种都很难找,但就我的经验来说,好男人更难找。Both are devilishly hard, but in my experience a good man is harder.

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也正是这些研究说明癌症非常复杂。But those same studies have shown that cancer is devilishly complicated.

经济学家发现给货币定义“正确的价值”难于上青天。Economists find it devilishly hard to define the “correct value” for a currency.

这一点在理论上显而易见,但事实证明,在现实中这非常具有挑战性。This, it turns out, is obvious in theory but devilishly challenging to show in reality.

出奇地成功加上极致的英俊,何塞-穆里尼奥就是这位具有密达斯点金术的主教练。STUNNINGLY successful and devilishly handsome, Jose Mourinho is the manager with the Midas touch.

最高点为香炉峰,海拔557米,俗称“鬼见愁”。Highest point for Xianglufeng, altitude 557 metres, commonly known as " devilishly hard to achieve."

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每天洗澡?刷牙后漱口?这些看似健康的习惯可能会对你造成极大的伤害。Shower every day? Rinse after brushing teeth? These 'healthy' habits could be devilishly bad for you.

即使只是分辨打开的门与窗户之间的不同这般简单的事,对机器人来说仍然极为不易。Even something as simple as telling the difference between an open door and a window can be devilishly tricky for a robot.

其他的研究人员则对此种简洁的说法持怀疑的态度,因为飓风的形成过程实在是非常复杂。Other researchers are skeptical of this neat picture because the process of hurricane creation is so devilishly complicated.

第二,选择三明治是个极其庞年夜的题目。事项中的决意妄想每每非此即彼,可能在屈指可数的方案中举办选择。The second is that the sandwich choice is devilishly complicated. Decisions at work tend to be binary, or between a manageable number of options.

许多形式的统计造假极难被抓住,或是太过于接近真实的分析决断,从而可以充分拒绝造假的指控。Many forms of statistical falsification are devilishly difficult to catch, or close enough to a genuine judgment call to provide plausible deniability.

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在这里输入译文这种红杉也特别难以找到,分布在北加利福尼亚和南俄勒冈大部分为农田的偏远地区。The coastal redwoods can also be devilishly hard to find, hidden in remote areas in a largely rural stretch of Northern California and southern Oregon.

但是即使这是一个相对不错的经济衰退的定义,然而潜在增长率却非常难以测定,并且对GDP数据的修订也仍然是个问题。But even if this is a better definition of recession,potential growth rates are devilishly hard to measure and revisions to GDPstatistics are still a problem.

在谜模式下没有时间的限制但是一旦你领会到了策略,你仅仅只有几秒钟的时间去游戏一些厉害狡猾的设计。There is no time limit in Puzzle mode but once you have figured out the tactics, the levels are only a few seconds play but some are devilishly tricky to plan.