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我们早晨都在课室外大声喊英语。We all cary out English out class in the morning.

念晓得办公室流程凯瑞将他的钥匙卡拔出保齐部例。Cary put his key card into the security system slot.

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哈德森,卡里格兰特,马龙·白兰度和格雷戈里·佩克。Rock Hudson, Cary Grant, Marlon Brando and Gregory Peck.

关于唯一的人谁可以安慰阿利姆是加里格兰特。About the only person who can comfort Alim is Cary Grant.

在排演中,她曾一度与演对手戏的卡里·格兰特坠入爱河。Once on the set, she fell in love with her co-star Cary Grant.

海滩,猜谜游戏,甜茶随身听、慢舞、还有卡里?The beach, Pictionary, sweet tea, ipod, slow dances, Cary Grant.

卡里布洛克,绿色燃料技术公司总裁。华盛顿邮报。Cary Bullock, chief executive of GreenFuel Technologies Corp. in The Washington Post

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这部电影由著名的凯瑟琳*赫本及卡里*格兰特主演,都是旧好莱坞风采的象征。This film, starring Katharine Hepburn and Cary Grant, is the epitome Old Hollywood glamor.

“你还是走罢,”琼基尔终于嚷了起来——嗓门大得让卡里太太慌慌张张地从楼上走了下来。"You'd better go now, " she cried at last, so loud that Mrs. Cary came downstairs in alarm.

康纳利说“他本来选取定卡里·格兰特扮演该角色,但因为钱不够,所以他只得同意由我来演。”“He’d have loved to have had Cary Grant in the role, but there wasn’t enough money for that.” Says Connery.

卡里斯蒂芬,在科瓦利斯,俄勒冈当律师,发现自己对“争夺赛”一种越野跑冒险赛非常感兴趣。Cary Stephens, an attorney in Corvallis, Oreg., found himself drawn to "scrambles, " an off-road running adventure.

编剧在写剧本时,剧中的乔·布拉德利和安妮公主这两个角色是为加利·格兰特和伊丽莎白·泰勒量身定制的。A script was written with Cary Grant and Elizabeth Taylor as the original choices for Joe Bradley and Princess Anne.

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在这部电影中,卡里.格兰特扮演梅.韦斯特最主要的情人肯明斯船长,这是卡里.格兰特最初所演的角色中的一个,他很快成为了好莱坞的巨星。In this film, Cary Grant plays the role of Mae West's main love interest, Captain Cummings. This is one of Cary Grant's earliest roles.

该项皮尤调查的研究员加里·芬克说,这一趋势反映出女性对于如何安排工作对孩子最有利的最新想法。Cary Funk, a Pew researcher on the survey, said the trend reflected women's latest thoughts on the ideal arrangement for their children.

餐台上有洁白的桌布和银餐具,车窗上有系带的窗帘,这里似乎是卡莱•葛伦和秀兰•邓波儿等大牌出没的地方。The accoutrements – white tablecloths, real silverware, tieback curtains – conjured Cary Grant and Eva Marie Saint in North by Northwest.

兰卡斯特大学的心理与健康系主任卡里•库伯说,布朗首相的个性决定了他是个有紧迫感和有抱负的人。Professor Cary Cooper, head of psychology and health at Lancaster University, said Mr Brown's personality type meant he was driven and ambitious.

卡里库珀,兰开斯特大学心理学和健康学教授,说,今天的年轻人面临着一系列不同于他们上一代的挑战。Cary Cooper, professor of psychology and health at Lancaster University, said that today's young adults face a different set of challenges to their parents.

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上周炒的沸沸扬扬的所谓脾气门的插曲事件,面对大众对唐宁街的控诉,卡里库珀激流勇退,辞去了慈善机构的职位。Last week, in the fracas surrounding the so-called Bully Gate episode, Cary Cooper resigned from the charity at the centre of the Downing Street accusations.

但是兰开斯特大学管理学院的凯里库柏教授认为摆脱“喜怒不形于色”可以促进男性的身心健康。But Professor Cary Cooper, from the Lancaster University Management School, suggested that losing the stiff upper lip could improve men's physical and mental health.

要是在五十年代,我会搭乘如今在“珊瑚之路”上屡见不鲜的苏伦特快艇过去,说不定还能坐在常客约翰·韦恩和加里·格兰特中间。In the Fifities, I would have arrived there in one of The Solent flying boats that plied the Coral Route, quite possibly sitting between regulars John Wayne and Cary Grant.