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好,就这么说定了。Good. Settled then.

他定居马来西亚。He settled in Malaysia.

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你们安顿得怎么样?How have you settled in?

阵雨过后,空气清新。A shower settled the dust.

一只鸟停落在他的手掌上。A bird settled on his palm.

谁曾殖民过加拿大?By whom was Canada settled?

我舒适地仰坐着看电视。I settled back to watch TV.

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事已办妥。The matter has been settled.

他们已经在海南岛安家落户。They have settled in Hainan.

最后他的目光落在了我的身上。Finally his eyes settled on me.

本来你说棕色我就心满意足了。I would have settled for brown.

局势安定了下来。The situation has settled down.

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他很快就使那个小偷老老实实的了。He settled the thief immediately.

终于有一群蜂落进了蜂巢。At last a swarm settled in a hive.

你知道,基尔斯,我的那个案子还没有了结。Giles, my case is not settled yet.

这事还没有明确解决。It has not yet definitely settled.

他们之间已经取得了谅解。They have settled with each other.

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他10年前在这里落户的。He settled down here ten years ago.

上个月他嫁出了他的女儿。He settled his daughter last month.

没有,一旦我在那儿安家会交朋友的。I have settledC. I'll be settled D.