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他在那些方面和亚里士多德唱反调呢?what was he trying to un-throne, dethrone in Aristotle?

我们的外国债权人们已经行动起来,意图将美元赶下世界储备货币的宝座。Our foreign creditors are already moving to dethrone the dollar as the world's currency.

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该植物将超过同样是小原发现的18叶三叶草的吉尼斯世界纪录。The plant may dethrone an 18-leaf clover, also found by Shigeo, in the Guinness World Records.

你认为索尼能采取什么措施打败苹果呢?这会不会太晚?赶快发表你的评论吧!Do you think Sony has what it takes to dethrone Apple? Is it too late? Sound off in the comments!

它希望慢慢废黜万能的美元作为全球大部分贸易协议货币之选的地位。It wants to slowly dethrone the almighty dollar as the currency of choice in most global trade deals.

他们需要在第一轮打翻连胜的开拓者才能获得拉湖人下台的升天机会。They'll need to upset streaking Portland in the first round to earn a potential shot to dethrone the Lakers.

这是罢黜企图藉著属灵战争威吓万国的恐怖之灵的一年。This is a year to dethrone terrorist's spirits that try to intimidate the nations through spiritual warfare.

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戊戌政变后,清廷顽固派为了彻底打击维新派,策划废黜已经被剥夺亲政权力的光绪帝。After the coup in 1898, the diehards of the Qing Government planed to dethrone the Guangxu Emperor who had been arrested.

他们以正确的步骤在做每件事来废掉美国在太平洋乃至世界的影响力。They are doing everything right, in? measured steps, to dethrone American influence in the Pacific, and possibly the world.

苹果公司正加大ipad的生产数量,增加像Target一样的零售伙伴,准备在假日期间和kindle决一雌雄。Apple is ramping up iPad production and adding retail partners like Target in order to dethrone the Kindle during the holiday season.

芬克尔斯坦手下的那帮人认为加芬克尔垄断了圣经考古学,因此他们希望能推翻他。Finkelstein's the big gorilla, and the young bucks think he's got a monopoly over biblical archaeology. So they want to dethrone him.

去年半决赛已经将凯尔特人完全限制,今年骑士们可能已经拥有最好的投射来罢免去年的冠军。Having taken the Celts to the absolute limit in last year's Conference Semis, the Cavs may have the best shot to dethrone the champs.

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科比诚然知道如果湖人队想要在这个赛季把凯尔特人队赶下台自己的球队需要做什么。And Bryant was very honest in acknowledging what the team has to do better if Lakers wants to dethrone the Boston Celtics in this season.

伴随着通用可预期的持续增长,行业分析认为通用在今年将有可能再次取代丰田成为全球汽车销售冠军。GM expects its sales growth to continue, and industry analysts say it may once again dethrone Toyota as the global sales leader this year.

纳什老当益壮,在季后赛为太阳带来了更多的活力,他希望太阳能够阻止湖人的卫冕之路。Nash, who has revitalized and brought more spark to the Suns in the playoffs this year looks to dethrone the Lakers from making it back to the Finals.

在本周举行的汇丰冠军赛高尔夫球场,活动在上海,中国三名球员将争夺到废黜新崛起的世界排名第一,英国的李韦斯特伍德的。At this week's HSBC Champions Golf event in Shanghai, China, three players will battle to dethrone newly-minted world number one, Lee Westwood of England.

不久前,不丹国王旺楚克为了激励国家的民主制度,宣布他将自动退位,因而震惊世界。Not long ago, King Jigme Singye Wangchuck Of Bhutan startled the world by announcing that he will voluntarily dethrone himself to encourage democracy in his country.

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弥尔顿实际上写道,站起来通过处决而废黜,一个尽管合法却不公正的国王是一个国家的义务,不仅仅是权利,而且还是义务。Milton actually wrote that it was the duty, not just the right but the duty, of a nation to rise up and dethrone through execution an unjust, though legitimate, king.

迪卡布里奥因在电影盗梦空间中的出色演出,击败加勒比海盗里杰克船长扮演者德普,成为好莱坞收入最高的男星。Leonardo DiCaprio's role in Christopher Nolan's Inception helped him dethrone Pirates of the Caribbean star Johnny Depp on the list of Hollywood's highest paid actors.

首战0-0战平乌拉圭使得人们质疑英格兰能否战胜卫冕冠军巴西,但英格兰之后接连击败墨西哥和法国晋级8强。A 0-0 opening draw against Uruguay led to doubts over England's ability to dethrone Brazil, but England reached the last eight following victories over Mexico and France.