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他说了诸如此类的很多话et cetera, et cetera.

Galdi的研究证明是肯定的。The study by Galdi et al.

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你们需要重新仔细地再阅读一遍。You have to read Fabozzi et al.

在耶路撒冷当得尊崇。Et tibi redetur votum in Jerusalem.

舒淇等人也在微博中大呼羡慕。Hsu Chi et al in micro-blog of envy"."

它没有法博齐那本书那么难It's not as intense as Fabozzi, et al.

你在这个地方再也买不到可卡因了。You can't et C. K. around here anymore.

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硅化木1属1种,还有鱼类等,新命1新属4个新种。Silicified wood gen 1 et sp. 1 and fish.

原来对面开枪的人就是黄亦峰等人。The opposite was shot by Huang Yifeng et al.

该数据是相似的那些拉蒙等人。The data are similar to those of Ramon et al.

与某人相较有哪些不足,我原原本本的问题“Less what than who, et cetera? "My very question."

先生们,女士们,我看到你们不开心。Messieurs et daffies, I perceive that you are sad.

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别洛夫等人成功救出扎罗夫将军和布里日。Belov et rescued his generals and cloth in the day.

童氏老鹳草‘小丑的夹克’Geranium thunbergii Sieb. et Zucc. 'Jester's Jacket'

但是在内心深处,你们所有人都知道,那是个外星人。But deep in your heart you all know it’s ET. Phooooone.

我忽略了振动和转动。I'm going to ignore all vibrations, rotation, et cetera.

由李等人所做的这项研究支持这种做法么?Does the present study by Lee et al1 support this practice?

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他把在1999年他的首张专辑,树和水果。He put out his debut album, "L'arbre et le fruit", in 1999.

儿童中肾小球滤过率的表达。Heilbron DC et al. , Expressing glomerular filtration rate.

中国的姜健、罗永进等人就在做同样的事情。JiangJeng, Ro YongJing, et al are also doing the same thing.