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把红袍扔到一边去。Put your red robe here.

把我的衲衣和饭钵拿去吧。Take the robe and bowl.

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我的浴袍是棉制的。My robe is made of cotton.

得赐冠冕和义袍。And provide a robe and crown.

长袍式、两件式套装。Robe style, 2-piece clothing.

他沐浴后穿上了睡衣。He wore his robe after shower.

太阳穿着素洁的光芒长袍。The sun has him simple robe of light.

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他穿着溅了血的衣服。He is dressed in a robe dippedinblood.

她穿着一件红色的睡袍,上面绣着自己的名字。She wore a red robe with her name on it.

雅各看到彩衣后他是怎么做的?What did Jacob do after he saw the robe?

你先把这睡衣裤穿上。But you just put on your pajamas and robe.

嗯,这是清代的云锦龙袍。This is a Qing Dynasty Yunjin dragon robe.

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这件长袍是专门为国王做的。This robe was made specially for the king.

仔细省思,我用衣袍。Considering it thoughtfully, I use the robe.

色泽深紫,有如一朵可人的牡丹花。Lovely, deep purple robe with peony nuances.

孟克换上了过冬的新袍子。Mengke has changed into his new winter robe.

丝绸长袍包裹着他的懒惰的四肢The robe that wraps his limbsin silken sloth

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她只是穿着一件普通的白袍。She was simply dressed in a plain white robe.

琥珀色光线穿过黑袍而透射。Through the dark robe oft amber rays prevail.

酒体呈红宝石色,略带紫罗兰的光泽。A pure red ruby colour robe with violet tints.