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安装凸轮轴室盖。Install cover for camshaft housing.

凸轮轴上有一个凸轮,凸轮上有一个凸角。The camshaft has a cam, on which there is a lob, or bump.

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在他的初始阶段凸轮轴的转换被执行。In its initial stage the change-of the camshaft is performed.

介绍凸轮轴的磷化工艺。The manganate phosphating technology of camshaft is introduced.

凸轮轴是汽车发动机的重要零件。Camshaft is one of the important parts on the automobile engine.

偏心轮可能与凸轮轴是一体的,也可能是通过螺钉连接的。The eccentric may be part of the camshaft itself or may bolt to it.

从1958年起,便已使用带有单顶置凸轮机的发动机。Since 1958, an engine with a single overhead camshaft has been used.

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凸轮轴由曲轴通过齿形带或齿轮或链条驱动。Camshaft from the crankshaft through the timing belt or gear or chain drive.

而其连接方法是装配式凸轮轴制造的关键技术。It's connecting methods are the key technology in assembling camshaft production.

是新型的凸轮轴制造技术,具有广泛的发展空间。It is a new technology in camshaft production, with a huge developing prospective.

拆去凸轮轴固定螺栓,并拆去作为一个总成的链轮和链条。Remove the camshaft retaining bolt and remove the sprockets and chain as an assembly.

当您增加转速时,但这种配置的凸轮轴不工作。When you increase the rpm, however, this configuration for the camshaft does not work well.

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研究了浇注温度对激冷铸铁凸轮轴组织性能的影响。The effect of pouring temperature on the microstructure of chilled iron camshaft was studied.

插入自动攻丝螺丝到钻孔的销中,小心地在凸轮轴中拉动销。Insert a self-tapping screw into the drilled pin and carefully pull the pin from the camshaft.

机械驱动燃油泵用于许多化油器式车辆,它由凸轮轴驱动。The mechanical fuel pump is used on many vehicles with carburetors and driven by the camshaft.

一家专业生产汽车凸轮轴具有悠久的历史和经验。Company specializing in the production of automotive camshaft has a long history and experience.

一个位于中央的每缸银行是由凸轮轴驱动的玻璃纤维增强型齿形带。One centrally located camshaft per cylinder bank is driven by a fiberglass-reinforced toothed belt.

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全速节流,燃烧室会扩展,进气阀紧跟凸轮轴的轮廓。At full throttle, the chamber is expanded and the intake valve follows the contours of the camshaft.

凸轮轴通过皮带链接与机轴保持同步,准确控制了可燃气体的进出时间。The timing is controlled by the camshaft which is synchronized to the crankshaft by a chain or belt.

气缸头的前部还装有油画廊供应量凸轮轴可变配气相位。The front of the cylinder head is also equipped with oil galleries to supply the intake camshaft VVT.