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暂且就成为合伙人博弈吧So Partnership Game.

百度与其有着合作关系。We had a partnership with them.

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所以这是种共盈的伙伴关系So it's a profit- sharing partnership.

我们在团队里应该是平等的。We have the equal partnership in team.

它与合伙人博弈就不一样It's different from the partnership game.

他们决定终止合作关系.They decided to break up the partnership.

你是如何评判美印伙伴关系吗?How would you assess US-India partnership?

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第三是成长性。Third, our partnership is highly motivated.

所有这一切必须通过合作关系来实现。All these things must be done in partnership.

我与古屋先生是合伙人。I have enter into partnership with Mr. Furuya.

先生已被接受为我公司合伙人,请注意下面的签名。I have entered into partnership with Mr. Furuya.

建立合作关系后,一个月7位数是有可能的。Partnership after the 7-digit month is possible.

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商业伙伴模式是一个新概念。The Business partnership model is a new concept.

本周你的伴侣会待你非常好。Partnership will favour you enormously this week.

与华新的合作伙伴关系使我们深感自豪。We are very proud of our partnership with Huaxin.

我们WELS的伙伴关系如何广泛?How broad and wide is our partnership in the WELS ?

他们的合作持续到1833年尼埃普斯去世。The partnership lasted until Niépce's death in 1833.

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公私合作何时才是最佳选择?When is a public-private partnership the best option?

她过去曾遇到过员工以及合伙问题。In the past, she had employee and partnership problems.

22个月之后,他们达成了伙伴关系。Twenty-two months later, a partnership deal was signed.