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花生或鼓槌?Peanut or Drumstick?

牛油花生味的?Peanut Butter flavor?

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日式花生酱?Japanese peanut butter?

王苗被一粒花生噎住了。Wang Miao chocked on a peanut.

花生酱完全把它盖住了。The peanut butter overpowers it.

你要加火腿或花生酱吗?Do you want ham or peanut butter?

有花生酱夹心的和燕麦的。I have peanut butter and oatmeal.

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虫子睡在一个花生壳里。The bug sleeps in a peanut shell.

但是,花生就是一种很小的食物。But, a peanut is a very small food.

椰子冰淇淋和花生酱冰淇淋。Coconut and peanut butter ice cream.

在苹果片上涂花生酱。Spread apple slices with peanut butter.

我妈妈过去经常做最好吃的花生糖。My mom used to make the best peanut brittle.

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他们正在购买更多的花生酱和面食。They're buying more peanut butter and pasta.

例如,在吐司中加入花生酱。For example, add peanut butter to your toast.

花生饼,菜籽,棉籽。Peanut meal, rapeseed meal, cotton seed meal.

那只猴子从我手里抢走了花生。The monkey grabbed the peanut out of my hand.

为什么有机花生酱会比普通的要好呢?Why is organic peanut butter better than Jif?

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好吧,那用这个,把这个花生酱倒进去。Here . Here . Look. Put in this peanut butter.

有花生或芝麻馅的汤圆。sticky rice balls with peanut or sesame inside.

蜂蜜,花生酱,黄油,麦淇淋。Honey, nutela, peanut butter, butter, margarine.