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所以,为什么不重启多哈?So, why not revive Doha?

一碗热汤使我复活了。A hot soup will revive me.

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死人将永不复生。A dead man will never revive.

这些花在水中会再活。These flowers will revive in water.

这是复兴昆曲的唯一途径。That’s the only way to revive Kunqu.

只要你浇水,那玫瑰就又会活过来。That rose will revive if you water it.

地震区旅游业开始复兴。Tourism begins to revive in quake zones.

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他总算使那个快淹死的女孩活了。He managed to revive the half-drowned girl.

章学诚有一种正统不兴而欲续之的传统精神。Zhang had a desire to revive the legitimism.

最后一种是医护兵,他能治疗和复活其他玩家。Finally, Medics heal and revive other players.

爱情是毒药还是还魂丹?为什么呢?Is love bane or red of revive from death? Why?

我们必须复兴本土的手工艺,“他说。It was to revive local artisanship, " he said.

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复兴武汉,是六千万湖北人的期盼。Revive Wuhan, be person of 60 million Hubei expect.

一旦价钱上升,询盘将恢新生跃。As soon as the price picks up enquiries will revive.

医生们尽力去救贝琳达但没有成功。Doctors tried to revive Belinda but without success.

也许可以通过施农家肥是它活过来。Perhaps I can revive it with some homegrown COMPOST.

在这个月里至少说三个笑话来唤醒它们吧。Revive it by telling at least three jokes this month.

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政府正在引用某些措施来振兴贸易。The government is introducing measures to revive trade.

布里安·奥尼尔想恢复往昔的最高王位。Brian O'Neill now sought to revive the old high kingship.

如果你的宠物死了,再克隆一个没问题。If you want to revive your dead pet, ask the gene genies.