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供指无明显功能障碍。The donor finger had no finger dysfunction.

足部供区无明显功能障碍。No dysfunction of the donor foot was observed.

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有助于孩子的觉得统开平衡病愈。Help children feel integrative dysfunction recovery.

排卵功能障碍是造成不孕的一个主要原因。Ovulatory dysfunction is a major cause of sterility.

这种药品专利的不良运作的结果就是我们大家都身受其害。We all suffer as a result of this patent dysfunction.

青岛男科。尖锐湿疣。性功能障碍。Qingdao andrology. Wet sharp wart. Nature dysfunction.

去对攻击的记忆功能障碍的问题。to go about attacking the problem of memory dysfunction.

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取决于接受者的功能异常和低血钾程度。Depends on degree of receptor dysfunction and hypokalemia.

同时伴有前扣带回和前额叶功能不良。With anterior cingulate and the frontal lobes dysfunction.

而这种重吸收作用受损就会导致蛋白尿发生。Dysfunction of this retrieval pathway leads to albuminuria.

性治疗和性功能障碍是培训的一部分。Sex therapy and sexual dysfunction was part of the training.

但是,这种疾病最引人注目的是功能和功能障碍的范围。But what's striking is the range of function and dysfunction.

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肝功能障碍时肝外代谢是否会有变化?。Will Extaheptic metabolism change in body with liver dysfunction?

理论上说,这种分离理论上就是骶髂关节功能紊乱。This kind of separation is, by definition, sacroiliac dysfunction.

衣原体还可影响精子活力,造成性功能障碍。Chlamydia also can affect sperm motility, cause sexual dysfunction.

但是女性性功能障碍仍然是一个未知的领域。But the field of female sexual dysfunction is still highly unexplored.

严重肾功能不全者,不建议使用本品。The product is not recommended for those with severe renal dysfunction.

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现就瑞芬太尼在器官功能不全患者中的应用进行综述。Here is to review the application in the patients with organ dysfunction.

某些外科手术或药物会引起奥狄氏括约肌机能障碍。Some surgeries and drugs could lead to the sphincter of Oddi dysfunction.

官僚政治的功能障碍可能会触发国家权力的全面崩溃。Bureaucratic dysfunction could trigger a total collapse in state authority.