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红色男爵比萨?Red Baron pizza?

看,那是血人巴罗!Look, it's the Bloody Baron !

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一头牛的脊肉,一顿就吃光。Get outside of a baron of beef.

他称马吕斯为男爵先生。He called Marius, "M. le Baron."

你是温尔顿男爵的朋友吗?Are you a friend of Baron Wendleton's?

他号称肉毒杆菌巨头,胶原蛋白大王。He is the Baron of Botox, the King of Collagen.

有一次,我送一封信给一个男爵,他便是这样的。I once carried a letter to a baron of that sort.

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你还负责了萨夏男爵科恩的安全工作。You’ve also done security for Sacha Baron Cohen.

好吧,如果大胡子戴维斯要走,我们就把他交易了。OK, if Baron Davis has to go, then we'll trade him.

他被提升为贵族,受男爵的头衔。He was raised to the peerage with the title of Baron.

你明白了吗,你是爵爷,就和我的拖鞋一样!See here, you are no more a baron than my slipper is!

她正猛追瑞典男爵以得到贵族头衔。She's going after the Swedish baron to win the title.

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德•顾拜旦爵士亲自起草了运动员宣誓词。Baron de Coubertin drafted the athlete’s vows himself.

马蒂·巴戎是这个时代最伟大的记者之一。Marty Baron is one of the great journalists of this era.

就象古时候那样,现在还有个缺德的男爵,多有意思?Isn't it nice to have a wicked Baron just as in olden times?

皮埃尔-德-顾拜旦1863年1月1日出生于法国巴黎。Pierre Frédy, Baron de Coubertin, was born in Paris in 1863.

可是大家发现巴朗腿受重伤,依然坚持比赛。But we found that baron leg injury, still adhere to the game.

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还没有开庭审判,那个地主庄园就被烧毁了。Even before the trial the manor house of the baron was torched.

尽情地喊吧,“巴隆回到了这个海湾,而科比仍然是洛杉矶的宠儿。”Yelling such things as, "Baron back to the Bay, Kobe owns L. A."

舍姆森吐出了它的名字,以及他的男爵和王子的名字。Shemsen spat it out along with the names of his baron and prince.