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我从来没听过像这样的长篇废话。I 've never heard such rigmarole.

我从来没听过像这样的长篇废话。I ve never heard such a rigmarole.

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所有的理论上的胡言乱语都是浪费时间。All that academic rigmarole was a waste of time.

她向我拉拉杂杂说了一大套关于丢失钥匙的事。She told me some rigmarole or other about having lost her keys.

我无法再次面对获取工作许可证所需的各种冗长复杂的手续。I couldn't face the whole rigmarole of getting a work permit again.

这意味着那些需要往返的旅客注定要在香港再次经历这场繁琐的噩梦。This meant travellers planning a round trip were doomed to go through the whole rigmarole again on the other end.

拿油价定价来说,这样一个复杂的统计性事务,曾经从政府手中转移到一个监管机构手中。Take oil pricing, a complex statist rigmarole that had been moving from the hands of government to those of a regulator.

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现在想一下在广播,电视和卫星上发生的一切,这些异想天开的事让我惊奇不已。Now, to think of what's happened with all of radio and television and satellites and the whole rigmarole is amazing to me.

商业交易涉及了太多法律上的繁文缛节——这都是那些精通法律的朋友们在暗中推动。Commercial transactions involve extraordinary amounts of legal rigmarole – all implicitly stimulated by our learned friends.

这些人感到难过,要经过分拣所有这些子虚乌有的诈骗从实际地点在那里。Feel sorry for these people that have to go through all the rigmarole of sorting all these frauds from the real sites out there.

古德奈特不必烦心繁杂的季度报告,也不必烦心为永远缺乏耐心的华尔街提供数据。Mr Goodnight is unimpressed by the rigmarole of quarterly reporting and making the numbers for a permanently impatient Wall Street.

“想象一下,一边想飞快地跑,一边又得穿戴上那所有的烦琐衣装”她摇头继续说,“我甚至累到早上无法穿衣”"Imagine just wanting to nip to the shops and having to put all that rigmarole on, " she continues, shaking her head at the thought.

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当人们意欲关闭其帐户时让他们重复一套繁琐复杂的程序,这显然是一种欺诈,是专门为阻挠逃离Facebook的成员和有逃离倾向的用户而设计的。Take the rigmarole it puts users through when they wish to close an account. This is clearly designed to thwart fleeing members and verges on the deceitful.

她曾向他抱怨说她走的那条路太费时间。于是,他一大串的絮絮叨叨便开了头,其中包括所有的公共汽车路线、街道名和站名。She had complained of the time the journey had taken and immediately he was off on a long rigmarole consisting of the number of buses and the frames of streets and stations.

好在他们都相当有礼貌,他们还对索要几个硬币“以便果腹”的行为表示道歉,前行了几英里,又遇到一个路障,又是同样的说辞,这一次,又给我们放行了。But they are perfectly polite, even apologising for pleading for a few coins "so that we can eat". A few yards further on, there is another barricade and the same rigmarole is repeated.

我没有时间,因为庭长用一种奇怪的方式对我说要以法兰西人民的名义在一个广场上将我斩首示众。In fact, I had no time to look, as the presiding judge had already started pronouncing a rigmarole to the effect that "in the name of the French people" I was to be decapitated in some public place.