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我突然猛地击了他一拳。I belted him one.

他被授予骑士绶带。He was belted a knight.

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他扎好雨衣的带子。He belted up his raincoat.

宫殿四周环绕着一条林带。The trees belted the palace.

歌手引吭高歌。The singer belted out a song.

上衣被束紧在腰间。The coat is belted at the waist.

军官用皮带扣住佩刀。The officer belted his sword on.

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差人系上皮带,走了出去。The police belted up and went out.

侦探用带子将手枪系住。The detective belted his pistol on.

他们冒雨沿公路急驶。They belted up the road in the rain.

警察系上皮带,走了出去。The policemen belted up and went out.

她说了那事以后,我痛骂了她一顿。When she said that,I belted into her.

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他一罐接一罐地猛喝可乐。He belted down one cola after another.

她飞奔下楼开门让男孩子进来。She belted downstairs to let the boy in.

我发火了,狠揍了男孩一顿。I lost my temper and belted into the boy.

这男孩一杯接一杯地猛喝可乐。The boy belted down one cola after another.

那只垃圾箱被漆上蓝色条纹标记。That garbage can was belted with blue paint.

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她把门一打开,狗就窜了出去。When she opened the door,the dog belted out.

他在高速公路上以每小时90英里的速度行驶。He was belted down the motorway at 90 m. p. h.

她穿着一件带束腰的棕色绒面革夹克。She wore a brown suede jacket, belted at the waist.