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她戴了一副无边眼镜。She wore rimless glasses.

他有了新的阅读用无框放大镜。He's got new rimless reading glass es.

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我要当一名建筑师,戴无沿的帽子。I will be a great architect and wear a rimless hat.

无框塑料镜片铭记着螺丝好。Rimless plastic lenses keeping screws well in view.

无框框架奥地利水晶详细的庙宇。Rimless frame with Austrian crystal detail at temples.

有三种主要类型的帧无框眼镜。There are three main types of rimless eyeglass frames.

通过清理,避免划伤镜头用超细纤维布无框眼镜。Avoid lens scratches by cleaning rimless glasses with a microfiber cloth.

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他戴着眼镜,留着整齐的灰色胡子,非常引人注目。He wore rimless glasses and sported a neat grey moustache, very impressive.

了解如何在这个自由调整无框眼镜架鼻托护理视频。Learn how to adjust rimless frame nose pads in this free eyeglass care video.

了解如何调整无框眼镜架在这个自由耳件护理视频。Learn how to adjust rimless frame ear pieces in this free eyeglass care video.

了解如何在这个自由调整眼镜无框眼镜框寺庙护理视频。Learn how to adjust rimless eyeglass frame temples in this free eyeglass care video.

他戴着无边眼镜,留着整齐的灰色胡子,非常引人注目。He wore rimless glasses and sported a neat grey moustache, which looked very impressive.

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赫特正穿着棕色灯芯棉的套装和有一排扣子的紧身夹克衫,戴着一副无框眼镜。Hurt is wearing a brown corduroy suit with a button-up blouson jacket, and rimless specs.

州长标志的无框眼镜以及头发梳起的发型假发则另行单独出售。The governor's signature rimless glasses and swept up hairstyle wigs are sold separately.

无论是后方,前轮是无框的独特设计,以提高自行车的性能。Both the rear and front wheel is rimless and uniquely designed to enhance the performance of the bike.

更具体地说,无边框眼镜需要新的工艺使它们变得长期耐用且工作可靠。More particularly, rimless eyeglasses require new technology to render them long-lasting and fail-safe.

普里切特站起身来向证人席走来的时候,他的眼睛似乎在无边的眼镜里面闪烁发光。As he rose and approached the witness stand, Pritchett's eyes appeared to gleam behind his rimless glasses.

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他皮肤很好,面颊红润,眼睛深蓝,鼻梁上架着一副无框双焦眼镜。He had beautiful skin, with rosy cheeks, blue eyes, rimless round bifocal spectacles, resting on the tip of his nose.

闪亮的金色,棕色无框框架,梯度镜头是包裹微妙的金色人造钻石装饰眼镜脚。A shiny gold, rimless frame with brown, gradient lenses is wrapped in delicate gold rhinestones that adorn the temple.

这种类型的脸具有不对称性,无论戴大的,小的,椭圆形,圆形,长方形或无框眼镜看起来都很好。This type of face is asymmetrical that will look good in big, small, oval, round, rectangular or rimless types of eyewear.