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北部湾盆地在中始新世至早渐新世是一个湖泊。Beibu Wan Basin was a lake in the middle Eocence-Lower Oligocene.

环北部湾是中国—东盟共同的“发展极”。The Beibu Gulf Rim is the common "development pole" of China-ASEAN.

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北部湾是著名的渔场,湾内鱼虾种类繁多、资源丰富。Beibu Gulf is a famous fishing ground with many species of fishes and pr- awns.

广西北部湾经济区在泛北经济合作中具有战略地位。The national leaders have approved the strategy of "promote economy cooperation around Beibu Gulf".

芭玛"穿过海南岛后,将于12日晚到13日凌晨进入北部湾海面。"Parma is expected to swirl into Beibu Bay from Monday night to early Tuesday morning after leaving Hainan.

涠洲11-1油田位于我国南北部湾浅水区,是一个边际油…Weizhou 11-1 oilfield, a shallow water marginal oilfield, is located in Beibu Gulf of the South China Sea.

事实上,玉林市所辖的博白县龙潭镇距离北部湾的直线距离不到10公里,离玉林市区的车程约为一个半小时。In fact, the Longtan Town of Bobai County of Yulin City is less than 10 kilometers away from the Beibu Gulf.

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气象站称,台风以每小时20公里的速度向西北方向移动,将进入北部湾。It is still moving northwest at 20 kilometers per hour, on course to enter the Beibu Gulf, the station said.

容县处于北部湾经济区、珠三角经济区交汇地带。Rongxian lies in the convergence zone of the Beibu Gulf economic zone and the Pearl River Delta economic zone.

随着中国—东盟经贸关系的发展和中国—东盟自由贸易区建设进程的推进,广西提出了建设“泛北部湾经济合作区”的战略构想。The initiation of Pan-Beibu Gulf Economic Belt will make the Beibu Gulf region the forth economic pole of China.

北部湾经济合作最核心的价值,在于打通中国东部沿海和“海上东盟”的联系通道。The most crucial value of Beibu Gulf economic cooperation lies in connecting China's east coasts and "the marine ASEAN".

随着广西北部湾经济圈的构建,广西旅游业迎来了新的发展契机。With the construction of Beibu Gulf tourism circle of Guangxi, Guangxi tourism enjoys new opportunities for development.

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“洛坦”正以每小时15公里的速度向西北方向移动,预计星期六早上进入北部湾。Nock-Ten is moving northwest at more than 15-kilometers per hour, and is expected to enter Beibu Bay on Saturday morning.

南宁东邻粤、港、澳,南临北部湾,面向东南亚,背靠云、贵、川大西南。Nanning east Guangdong, Hong Kong and Macao, south Beibu Bay, for Southeast Asia, backed Cloud, Guizhou, Sichuan Southwest.

并由此对北部湾的潮汐、潮流和潮余流等特征进行了分析。The characteristics of the tide, tidal current, and residual current in Beibu Bay are investigated based on the simulation.

近40年来,先后在百色盆地和北部湾涠西南凹陷探明12个小型油气田。In recent 40 years, 12 small-scale oil-gas fields were proved in Beise basin and Weixinan depression of Beibu Gulf one after.

1975年南海石油勘探指挥部在北部湾涠西南凹陷打出工业油气流。Industrial oil-gas current was drilled out by Nanhai petroleum exploration headquarters in Weixinan depression of Beibu Gulf in 1975.

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位于北部湾畔的北海市,是我国首批14个沿海开放城市之一,享有“中国最适宜居住城市”美称。Beihai on Beibu Gulf, is one of the first 14 coastal cities opening up and entitled the Most Suitable Habitat Residential City in China.

广西北部湾地区的发展首先表现在基础设施上,特别是以交通为核心的基础设施建设。The development of Beibu Gulf of Guangxi first lies in the construction of infrastructure, especially that with transportation as the core.

尤其是通过推动泛北部湾经济合作,探索建立东盟-中国新增长极。In particular, it will explore the establishment of a new ASEAN-China growth pole through promoting the Pan Beibu Gulf Economic Cooperation.