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有一种看法认为种间杂种是罕见的,这种看法是无根据的。The notion that interspecific hybrids are rare is ill-founded.

种间杂交后代中,抗性基因的作用表现为加性效应。The additive effect of resistant gene was found among the interspecific hybrids.

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植物的遗传多样性及其种间关系进行了研究。The interspecific relationships of dominant species in Hippophae rhamnoides Subsp.

竞争是植物种内和种间关系的主要形式之一。Intraspecific and interspecific competitions are important relationships of plants.

植物种间、种内都存在UVB敏感性差异。There were interspecific and intraspecific variation in sensitivity to UVB radiation.

同工酶数据显示义乌小鲵和安吉小鲵之间存在中等水平的种间差异。Allozyme data revealed a moderate interspecific difference between Hynobius amjiensis and H.

对曲霉亲株及其各种融合子的普通遗传性状作了比较研究。Several genetic characterishcs of Aspergillus parents and their interspecific fusants were studied.

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种对正协变的存在是由于这些物种对环境资源的利用具有相似性所致。The reason for positive interspecific covariation was that these species used the resource similarly.

本文研究了油菜种间杂种后代株高与产量性状间的关系。The relationship between plant height and yield components of rape interspecific hybrids was studied.

利用Y-型嗅觉仪研究了挥发物在调节二化螟绒茧蜂和螟蛉绒茧蜂种内种间关系中的作用。The intra- and interspecific interactions between the two parasitoids were studied with a Y type tube.

种间联结分析是研究植物群落演替的一种有效方法。Interspecific association analysis is an efficient method to study the succession of plant communities.

对于大多数植物,种间最有效的资源竞争是异种相生相克关系。Among plants, one of the most effective forms of interspecific competition for resources is allelopathy.

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种间杂种内这些线粒体变成含有两个种属蛋白质分子的镶嵌物。That mitochondria in interspecific hybrids become molecular mosaics containing proteins of both species.

种间相互作用与作物根系形态变化具有密切关系。There was close relationship between the interspecific interactions and the root morphological parameters.

报告云南鸡足山半湿润常绿阔叶林元江栲群落和高山栲群落植物种间结合的研究结果。The paper discusses the interspecific association of the two communities at Jizu Mountain of Yunnan Province.

如果主要提供还原态氮,则较小的细胞将在种间竞争中占优势。If it is supplied mainly by reduced nitrogen, the small cells would ultimately in in interspecific competition.

从星座图上可清晰地看到种间分离在不同种之间存在一定的差异。The constellation diagrams showed clearly the difference of interspecific segregation among the various species.

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影响组间杂交成败的因素还有其亲本之间的亲和性以及受精后胚和胚乳发育的障碍。The compatibility of the parents and the post-fertilization barriers play important roles in interspecific cross.

这是一朵正在开放的复色花君子兰,它的花瓣顶端是绿色的,中间是白色的过渡,淡黄色的花心。This is an interspecific clivia blooming with green tipped petals, wide white throated and a light yellow centred flowers.

生境中种间竞争格局不同,寄主—病原菌相互作用的表现也不同。In plant communities, different interspecific competition may not bring alike influence on the host –pathogen interactions.