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她的名字是雨茜。Her name is pluvial alizarin red.

雨辰碰了个钉子,发誓一定要搞成功。Pluvial celestial bodies touched a nail, pledge must make a success.

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为迎接知识经济的到来,必须未雨绸缨。To salute the advent of intellectual economy, must not pluvial silken tassel.

今年我国发生了历史上罕见的洪水灾害。This year our country produced the infrequent pluvial calamity on the history.

进入第四纪以来,形成了各种类型的冲积、洪积砂矿床,构成了第13成矿系列。Kinds of alluvial and pluvial placers were formed in Quaternary as No. 13 series.

根据降水变化可分为三个多雨期和三个少雨期。With the change of precipitation, it divided three pluvial periods and three dry periods.

冲洪积物以磁铁矿和赤铁矿为主,磁铁矿相对较多。Pluvial alluvial sediments also have magnetite and hematite, but magnetite is comparatively more.

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这个时候你的心情就是雨后见彩虹了,看着你的51统计开心微笑吧!This moment your mood is pluvial hind sees rainbow, the 51 statistic that look at you are happy smile!

落雨之夜,年轻人们来到康凯家落脚,王之突发高烧,卧床不起。Fall pluvial night, young people comes to stay of Home Kang Kai, wang Zhi breaks out high fever, bedfast.

周迈最后向她袒露决心放手的意图,雨涵备受打击。Zhou Mai exposes the intent that determination lets go to her finally, pluvial contain equipment is stricken.

雨涵,新闻系出身,凭实力在电视台打拼多年。Pluvial contain, news fastens one's previous experience, hit in the TV station by actual strength go all out old.

雨江却退缩了,因为在他的心里,一直住着儿时孤儿院的玩伴鸭鸭。Pluvial river shrank back however, because be in his heart, living all the time when the playmate duck of orphanage.

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应用分形理论证实了洪积扇砾岩的粒度组成具有自相似的分形结构。This paper proved that grain size composition of pluvial fan conglomerate has self similar fractal structure by applying fractal theory.

江汉平原江陵地区的洪水地质记录表明,近3000年来,该区共发生了18次特大洪水漫滩事件。The pluvial geological records of Jiangling area in Jianghan Plain, show that the area revealed 18 flood events during the last 3000 years.

凌珊想到平时自己所遭受的一系列的事情,都是雨薇所为,一心想报复!Ling Shan thinks of at ordinary times what oneself suffer a series of thing, it is pluvial osmund place is, of one mind considers retaliation!

正当他们沉浸在甜蜜的婚姻生活中,雨晴却突然被查出患了脑肿瘤并且已经怀了孩子。Just when they are enmeshed in sweet matrimony, pluvial fine was suffered from suddenly however by fish cerebral tumor and had conceived the child.

肖杰始终在鼓舞着她,深陷在情感旋涡中的雨涵,内心在犹豫中徘徊。Xiao Jie is worn in encouragement from beginning to end she, deep-set in affection vortical medium pluvial contain, the heart wanders in hesitation.

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解放初期,安徽省公路交通极为落后,全省仅有晴通雨阻公路2088km。Emancipatory initial stage, traffic of highway of the Anhui province is very backward, save only fine to connect 2088km of pluvial block highway completely.

然花雨夫人功夫了得,身边又有满天星、鬼道士等高手护卫,一场恶战在所难免。Spend pluvial madam time like that Oh, have again beside all over the sky the ace such as Taoism priest of star, ghost convoys, unavoidable of a fierce fight.

在谢雨辰的无微不至的照顾下,王丽婷终于康复,但是王丽婷却选择了不辞而别。Take care of in what thank the meticulously of pluvial celestial bodies below, wang Liting recovers eventually, but Wang Liting chose leave without say goodbye however.