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成串的汗珠挂在他的脸上。The perspiration beaded his face.

当你流汗的时候觉得疼吗?Is there pain with your perspiration?

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棉织品吸汗。Cotton textiles wick away perspiration.

去除血渍、酒渍和汗渍Remove blood, wine and perspiration stains

汗从我背上淌下来。The perspiration was running down my back.

他额上在淌汗。His forehead was dripping with perspiration.

伯都西奥的前额上满是汗珠。Bertuccio's forehead was covered with perspiration.

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弗兰士觉得他的额头上已经开始冒出冷汗来了。Franz felt the perspiration start forth upon his brow.

通过皮肤上的毛孔排泄汗液。To excrete perspiration through the pores of the skin.

大颗大颗的汗水从他的额头上淌下来。Great drops of perspiration trickled down from his brow.

科学上除了汗流满面是没有其他获致的方法的。In science, there are no other ways except perspiration.

巴顿的额头上直冒冷汗。The cool perspiration redoubled on Mr. Button's forehead.

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林跃感觉自己已经满头大汗了。Lin Yue feels he or she already full head big perspiration.

一个浑身是汗的男人上车了。A man boarded the bus and his body was full of perspiration.

灵感和汗水是成功的要素。Inspiration and perspiration are the ingredients of success.

使用可吸汗的织物。Use a fabric that will wick perspiration away from the skin.

能通过毛细作用排走汗气的透气网布内衬。Breathable lining that wicks perspiration away from the foot.

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他松开了领带,玛格丽特则抹了下前额的汗珠。He loosens his tie as she pats perspiration from her forehead.

发烧时,大量水分会通过排汗而丧失。During fever a large quantity of fluid is lost in perspiration.

马德兰站起来,尽管满头大汗,脸色却是青的。Madeleine rose, he was pale, though dripping with perspiration.