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天使告诉我我是一…Numen tell me that I am a straight man.

神性的或者具有神的特点的。Of or relating to or characteristic of a numen.

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上帝的名字是厄玛努尔,即上帝与我们同在。The Name of God is numen preasens, God with us, Emmanuel.

是家居、公寓、工厂、办公室的安全守护神。It is the security numen of home and house, apartment, factory and office.

两个人,废弃的站台,锈蚀的铁轨,这是什么地方?"Fish Numen" Two people, abandoned platform, rusted rails, where is this place?

布衣女子罗斯和雨神打赌赛跑,从黄果树瀑布直奔关岭。From Huangguoshu chute to Guanling, Rose of BuYi folk bet with Rain's numen race.

张抗抗不仅是时代精神的开拓者,而且是精神家园的守护者。Zhang Kangkang is a pioneer in her times, and a numen of spirit homeland as well.

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即使我们只把月亮看成块石头,也将现其石性中潜藏的内在精神。Evenif we think of the moon as only a stone, we shall find its verystoniness potentially a numen.

即使我们认为月亮只是一块石头,我们会发现其石性的背后隐藏着的是一位守护神。Even if we think of the moon as only a stone, we shall find its very stoniness potentially a numen.

我们受苦或受伤害时,母亲就是我们的庇护神,也是治疗我们受伤灵魂的最好的医生。When we are suffered and hurted, mother is our numen. Also she is the best doctor who can charm away our suffering and hurted spirit.

网络视频监控产品入网检测的关键在于采用的测试策略和测试方法。"Watch Numen", the network video surveillance platform, is tested using the improved test method to verify important technical parameters.

兴趣是一种带意识特点的心理倾向,也是青少年儿童接受外来信息、探索未知世界的内在动力。Interest, a psychologic proclivity with consciousness trait, also serves as a numen for young children to acquire extraneous information and to explore the veiled things in the world.