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绍兴酒很好喝。Shaoxing wine tastes very good.

兰花是绍兴市市花。Orchid is the city flower of Shaoxing.

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人们又管绍兴黄酒叫老酒。People also call Shaoxing wine "Aged Wine".

1大汤匙或是1茶匙中国绍兴黄酒teaspoon Chinese Shaoxing cooking rice wine

目的是要繁荣越剧。The goal is must prosper the Shaoxing opera.

绍兴酒被看作国酒。Shaoxing wine is regard as the national wine.

外国人来绍住宿登记有何规定?What regulations on foreigners lodging in Shaoxing?

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绍兴黄酒,芬芳醇厚,色香味俱隹。Shaoxing rice wine is great in color, smell and taste.

他们说绍兴酒很不错。这又是什么样的酒?。They say that Shaoxing wine tastes quite good. What's it?

游览绍兴,也许就是一次鲁迅文化的怀旧之旅。Touring Shaoxing will be a nostalgia trip of his culture.

所以就说越剧的观众为什么是女性居多呢?That also explains why Shaoxing opera fans are mostly women.

第二年,她成为绍兴大同学院的校长。The next year, she became head of the Shaoxing Datong College.

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今年的除夕,我是在绍兴奶奶家度过的。This year's New Year's eve, I was spent in shaoxing grandma's.

看来游绍兴坐这种乌篷船最合适。It seems to be the best transport for visitors touring Shaoxing.

产业集群是绍兴市纺织产业的一大特色。Industrial cluster is one character of Shaoxing textile industry.

从那时起,全女班表演成为了越剧的特征。From then on, an all-women cast became a signature of Shaoxing Opera.

本文介绍了绍兴市茶叶生产机械化工作的成就和现状。The status of machinery tea production in Shaoxing city was reviewed.

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对黑李在绍兴地区的生长情况进行了调查和研究。This paper studies the growth of black plums in the regions of Shaoxing.

沿着绍兴广场的护城河北走,没有多远,老街就出现了。Shaoxing Plaza, along the moat to go north, not how far the streets there.

兰花是绍兴市花,是我国传统名花。Cymbidium is the city flower of Shaoxing and also a famous flower in China.