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他买了两张车票加头等卧铺票。He bought two tickets and Pullman berths.

请给我一张往芝加哥的卧铺票。Give me one Pullman ticket to Chicago,please.

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这张票我要换成卧铺票。I want to change this ticket to a Pullman ticket.

我们有两个卧铺车厢和一辆70英尺长的行李车。We had two Pullman cars and a 70-foot baggage car.

他买了两张车票加头等卧铺票。然后,他匆忙回到嘉莉身边。He bought two tickets and Pullman berths. Then he hastened back to Carrie.

你好,我是晋尔曼房地产公司的史蒂茜。爱德华。请问是奥利弗。斯坦福吗?Yes, this is Stacy Edwards from Pullman Real Estate. Is that Oliver Stanford?

上海斯格威铂尔曼大酒店工作对于阿莫多先生来说将是一次难得的经历。His experience will be a valuable asset to our team in Pullman Shanghai Skyway.

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比尔·普曼扮演了一个战争英雄,一位具有军事专长的总统。Bill Pullman plays a war hero president whose military expertise comes in handy.

也许是吧。但如果普曼让乔得瑞注意到了,他的律师很快就会和她联系。Perhaps, but if Pullman catches Choudhury's attention, his lawyers will be getting in touch.

然而,普尔曼却并没有减少工人们的房租,任何对此表示抗议的人都会失去工作。Yet Pullman did not reduce the cost of rent for his houses. Anyone who protested lost his job.

这些新参加工会的工人投票决定针对普尔曼公司进行罢工,该铁路工会的其他成员表示支持他们的罢工,他们同意在包括普尔曼客车在内的铁路线上停止工作。Other members of the union supported them. They agreed not to work on trains that included Pullman cars.

图为上海虹桥美爵酒店与上海斯格威铂尔曼大酒店的美食展台。Photo shows the booth of French Cuisine present by Grand Mercure Hongqiao Shanghai and Pullman Shanghai Skyway.

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鲍伊联手与金融家大卫普尔曼发行债券,利用将来的版税,他无数次作为担保。Bowie teamed up with financier David Pullman to issue bonds using future royalties from his numerous hits as guarantee.

北京兴基铂尔曼饭店还拥有大小会议厅及贵宾接待室,是举办大中型会议及宴会的理想之所。Pullman Beijing South has meeting rooms ideal for medium to large size functions and events as well as VIP holding room.

上海虹桥美爵酒店与上海斯格威铂尔曼大酒店携手承办了法国周酒店展台的开幕酒会。Grand Mercure Hongqiao and Pullman Shanghai Skyway host the opening cocktail of the French week at their "Gourmet Booth".

另外,在大规模的翻修之后,越南的河内Horizon铂尔曼酒店将设有250间客房,预计在2001年中开业。Additionally, the Pullman Hanoi Horizon in Vietnam is expected to open in mid-2011 with 250 rooms upon extensive renovation.

普尔曼不想让他的工人参加工会,但刚开始他并没有阻止,结果有四千人参加了工会。More than four thousand workers joined. Immediately, the new union members voted to go on strike against the Pullman company.

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泰国的铂尔曼普吉世外桃源海滩将提供260间客房和20间别墅,计划在2011年的下半年开业。Pullman Phuket Arcadia Naithorn Beach in Thailand which offers 260 guestrooms and 20 villas is scheduled to open in late 2011.

在这些书里普曼将撒但的堕落合理化,视为个人脱离上帝「专制」的掌控,独立自主的理由。In these books, Pullman views the fall of Satan as a righteous cause for personal independence from God' s "tyrannical" control.

普尔曼酒店提供具体的服务和设施,以创造一种气氛,结余欢乐,平静和连接。Pullman hotels provide specific services and facilities to create an atmosphere that balances conviviality , calm and connectivity.