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天体物理学与空间科学。Astrophysics and Space Science.

空间和时间,这听起来,像不像天文课程上学的东西?Space and time. Sounds like an astrophysics course, right?

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乔恩•莫尔斯,主任,天体物理学部,美国航天局华盛顿总部Jon Morse, director, Astrophysics Division, NASA Headquarters in Washington

她也是耶鲁天文和天体物理学中心主任。She is also the director of the Yale Center for Astronomy and Astrophysics.

他的科学兴趣还包括宇宙论与高能天文学。His other scientific interests concern cosmology and high-energy astrophysics.

目前,主成分分析法被广泛应用于天体物理的诸多研究领域中。In the present day, PCA is applied widely in many research fields of astrophysics.

如果你有很多钱,那么在实验天文物理学中耍点小聪明很容易。It's so easy to be clever in experimental astrophysics if you have a lot of money.

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美因茨是在暗示WISE望远镜很快就会带给我们一些崭新的天体物理学结论。Mainzer hinted that we should see some new astrophysics results from WISE pretty soon.

从天体物理学到体育运动,相互间的竞赛往往被视为你死我活的争斗。Competition in everything from astrophysics to athletics was treated as a zero-sum game.

爱因斯坦的理论对于日后的天体物理学和宇宙学意义非凡。Einstein's theory had tremendous implications for the future of astrophysics and cosmology.

哈佛大学史密森天体物理中心的沃伦·布朗说,“那是一个意外收获。”"It was serendipitous," says Warren Brown at the Harvard-Smithsonian Center for Astrophysics.

电子与氧原子的碰撞有重要的意义。Electron-impact excitation of atomic oxygen is of great interest in aeronomy and astrophysics.

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哈佛大学史密森天体物理中心的沃伦·布朗说,“那是一个意外收获。”"It was serendipitous, " says Warren Brown at the Harvard-Smithsonian Center for Astrophysics.

我们的想法是将天文物理和环境科学结合起来,这是一个新的领域。Our wish was to link astrophysics with environmental science, which is quite an unexplored area.

介绍了非广延熵的提出,重点讨论了其在天体物理方面的应用。This paper introduces the proposition of nonextensive entropy, and the application in astrophysics.

探索研究合并黑洞已经成为天文学界的一个热门领域。Finding and studying merging black holes has become a very active field of research in astrophysics.

因此几十年来,天文学家一直将其视为高能天体物理领域的“标准烛光”使用。So for decades, astronomers have used it as a “standard candle” in the field of high-energy astrophysics.

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成像硬X射线望远镜可以提供更好的分辨率和灵敏度来研究硬X射线天体物理学。The imaging hard X-ray telescopes provide better resolution and sensitivity for studying hard X-ray astrophysics.

他所从事的理论涉及到几个天体物理学和理论物理中很难的问题。The theory that he's working on involves several of the toughest problems in astrophysics and theoretical physics.

麻省理工学院物理系是美国最大的物理系之一,部分是由于它包括了天文学和天体物理学。The MIT Physics Department is one of the largest in the nation, in part because it includes astronomy and astrophysics.