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以“班级已满”为例。Take the class-is-full scenario.

再设想一组情景。Consider another fictive scenario.

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这种假设情形似乎有点牵强。This scenario may seem farfetched.

这一局面在本产季有所变化。This season, the scenario has changed.

我不相信世事会完全没有可胜之机。I don't believe in the no-win scenario.

此方案是支持霍格兰。This scenario is supported by Hoagland.

这一序列被称作测试场景。This sequence is called a test scenario.

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贾尔斯是在他自己的方案参与者。Giles is a participant in his own scenario.

演示结果就是一个经过测试的端对端场景。The result is a tested end-to-end scenario.

我们的场景是一个移动电话计费系统。Our scenario is a cell-phone billing system.

下面的场景说明了这一概念。The scenario below illustrates this concept.

末日审判的场景是一个公开的事件。The Judgment Day scenario is a public affair.

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CHRIS描述了“单板机”情形。Chris described the "single trigger" scenario.

您可以为每一种场景创建故事板。You can create a storyboard for each scenario.

您需要编写代码来处理这种情况。You need to write code to handle this scenario.

今后的几个月哪种结局会占上风?Which scenario will prevail in the months ahead?

这个情景中的业务目标是清楚的。The business objective in this scenario was clear.

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在这种情况下不存在身份传播。There is no identity propagation in this scenario.

在这类剧情概要中,英勇的行为并不重要。Heroism counts for little in this kind of scenario.

我将用一个现实生活中的案例回答这些问题。I'd answer that question with a real-life scenario.