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但是如今越来越多平常的计划正在取得新的突破。But now the more workaday strategies are getting a new look-in.

然而,维持的借口却是,这种穿梭机就是普通的航空器。But the pretence was maintained that the shuttle was a workaday craft.

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一名设计师要完成这些图纸,至少需要20个工作日的时间。A stylist should finish these blueprint, need 20 workaday time at least.

人们总是因大海的神秘和平凡而被吸引到来。People have forever been drawn to the sea for reasons both mystical and workaday.

相反,它照在了一个熟悉的平庸的地方,这个地方仍旧需要食品杂货和污水排放。Instead it dawns on a familiar, workaday place, still in need of groceries and sewage disposal.

他尽量避免卷进热门问题,在参议院里总是对一些比如高速公路和水坝之类的日常问题发表看法。He avoided glamour assignments, speaking in the Senate on workaday topics like highways and dams.

鼓励孩子对某些事物产生兴趣,这能够在帮助他们在长大后从事一些普通的工作。Encourage children to get into subjects that will help them in the workaday world as they get older.

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我以前去过几次,也乘过比较平常的火车,而我妻子是第一次到那里。I had been several times before and had travelled on a more workaday train, but she was on her first visit.

酒店的常客各种各样,有领薪水的上班族,商人和其他想在工作之余放松一下的男人们。The club’s clientele is diverse, including workaday salarymen, business owners and other men unwinding after work.

提布斯启发说,想象一下,我们推动肮脏的普通工业生产方式向具有生物特性的加工方式转化。Imagine, Tibbs suggests, that we push grimy workaday industrial processes toward the character of biological processes.

这个月水星将在你工作宫里,所以这也是你将会看到的事情会琐碎而崩溃。Mercury will be in your house of workaday matters this month, so this is where you will see things slip between the cracks.

车厢外是日常工作的世界,集装箱卡车隆隆驶过,我们则坐在有橙汁,印度薄饼和炒鸡蛋的餐桌上。While the workaday world of container cars lumbered past, we settled down at a table to sweet lime juice, dhosas and scrambled eggs.

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歪歪扭扭的牛仔裤、连在一起的皮上衣和普普通通的运动鞋简直是家常便饭,至少他们看起来很像那样。The crumpled jeans, lived-in leather bolero and workaday trainers were regulation issue. At least they were designed to look like that.

此外,过度疲惫、工作日夜颠倒,也会让身体水分运行受阻,产生浮肿现象。In addition, excessive exhaustion, workaday night is conversed, also can let body moisture run suffocate suffocate, produce bloated phenomenon.

场面虽然寒酸,但这二人的结合却是相当的不同寻常——一位牛津的才子娶了一位肩负民族希望的美丽女孩。The workaday surroundings belie the extraordinary union – the Oxford don marrying the beautiful young woman with a nation's hopes on her slim shoulders.

火星姿态优雅地向本次满月套近乎,本月大多数时候这个精力充沛的行星将位于你象征着日常工作的第六宫。Mars will be beautifully oriented toward this full moon, and this energy planet will be based in your sixth house of workaday assignments most of the month.

提示观众一个女演员不再是光彩照人的明星而是一个庸碌的上班族,最流行的一招便是让她穿上一件毛衣。The single most popular way of signaling to viewers that an actress is no longer a glamorous star but instead a workaday schlub is to stick her in a sweater.

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自己自从上了班以后,每天,自己也西装革履的过着早九晚五的生活。每次的上班下班的短短一个小时的车程,成了一天最快乐的时光。Since the class on their day, also led early dressed in a nine-to-five life. Every time the workaday just an hour by car. become the happiest day of the time.

自由作家选择当自由职业者是因为他们能有自由和选择他们的同伴,包括下一个项目是否值得接。Freelancers choose to freelance because they are afforded freedoms and choices their workaday colleagues lack, including whether the next project is worth taking on.

与我们普通世界的凡人不同,这三位可爱迷人的神没有忘记喝茶时安静思考和轻声交谈的重要性。Unlike many of us in the workaday world, these three lovely enchanted beings haven't forgotten the importance of the quiet reflection and gentle conversation that comes with taking tea.