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然而,目前EFSF的授权和规模都需要扩大,涵盖向银行注资的任务。The EFSF's mandate and size need to be expanded to include bank recapitalization.

这一点表明,关于银行迅速且杂乱重新资本化的政策可能会出现误导。This suggests that policies for quick and indiscriminate recapitalization of banks may be misguided.

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充资是世行集团应对全球金融危机的一项主要举措。Bank recapitalization is a key element in the World Bank Group’s response to the global financial crisis.

进行这种金融工程,即所谓的股息资本重组的不只THL一家。THL was hardly alone in undertaking this sort of financial engineering, known as a dividend recapitalization.

这种价格回升的背后是希腊的初步救助计划出炉,以及欧洲各大银行必须要进行资本重组。In support of this turnaround came the preliminary bailout plan for Greece and the required recapitalization of the banks.

我们还需要一个进取性的住房计划以限制止赎行为,一个扩张性的货币政策,以及一次银行业的资本结构调整”。We need an aggressive housing program to limit foreclosures, a more expansionary monetary policy, and a bank recapitalization.

这个资本重整可能由税收融资,或者是对货币价值构成打击的政府债务货币化。This recapitalization could be financed by taxes or by monetizing government debt in another blow to the value of the currency.

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有可能在更大一轮欧洲银行重组前,二者其一或者两者都发生。And there’s a good chance one or both of those events will happen before a broader European bank recapitalization can be achieved.

正如许多商业刊物的读者所知,泽尔将论坛报业公司的资本结构改为雇员所有后,不到两年就宣告失败了。As readers of the business press know, Zell's recapitalization of Tribune as an employee-owned company tanked in less than two years.

拉加德呼吁对欧洲银行进行资本重组,但到目前为止,人们都对她的这一提议断然拒绝,就连她任法国财政部长时的前同事也是如此。Her call for European bank recapitalization has been rebuffed so far, even from her former colleagues in France where she was finance minister.

一名消息人士向路透表示,欧盟执委会预计在10月17日欧盟领峰会前提出银行资本重建的方案.A source told Reuters the European Commission is expected to present a proposal on bank recapitalization before the EU leaders summit on Oct 17.

这些政策包括欧洲银行资本额调整,增加4400亿欧元救助基金,可能超过1万亿欧元。Those measures include a recapitalization of European banks and augmenting the 440 billion euro bailout fund, probably to more than 1 trillion euros.

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在更糟糕的境况下,银行重组不可能尽快实现,那些相同的经济体也不会摆脱债务实现经济增长。In an even bleaker scenario, bank recapitalization won’t be realized anytime soon and those same economies will show few signs of growing out of their debts.

"必须遵守严格的压力测试,根据适当情况,有些银行需要资本重整,有些银行则可能需要重组或关闭,"他说."Stress tests need to be followed, where appropriate, with bank recapitalization and in some cases banks may need to be restructured or closed down," he said.

欧盟执委会主席巴罗索周四表示,执委会正在为成员国银行资本重建拟定计画.European Commission President Jose Manuel Barroso said on Thursday the EU's executive arm was preparing a plan for bank recapitalization across the 27-nation bloc.

尽管调整资本机构的计划看似可行,但是银行能否在不扰乱市场的情况下募集资金还存在问题。Even if the recapitalization plan is seen as credible, there is still the question of whether the banks will be able to raise money without disrupting the markets.

草案细则似乎说明,有资格重组的银行将需要重组,而只有构成系统性风险的境况不佳的银行才将获得援助。Guidelines seem to state that banks eligible for recapitalization would need to restructure, and only ailing banks that pose systemic risk would received assistance.

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欧洲的商业银行目前正在经历压力测试与资本结构调整,以符合全球金融危机后存款准备金的上调要求.Commercial banks across Europe are undergoing stress tests and recapitalization to meet more demanding reserve requirements imposed in the wake of the global financial crisis.

根据该基金的“分散经营要求”,向任何一家银行提供的资金不应超过其资金总额的10%,向任一国家提供的资金不应超过20%,向任一地区提供的资金不应超过25%。Under the Recapitalization Fund’s “diversification requirements,” no more than 10 percent of the fund can go to any one bank, 20 percent to any one country, and 25 percent to any one region.

德国银行业协会对巴罗索提议的部分内容表示反对,称他禁止银行在资本重组期间发放股息的提议将阻碍融资的努力.The German banking association hit back at elements of Barroso's proposals, saying his idea to ban banks from paying out dividends pending recapitalization would hamper efforts to raise capital.