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而在他看来,生命本身就不完善。And life, inh is opinion, is a kludge.

一个农夫有四贷种子放在仓库里,他望了望他那空旷的田地。A far mer has four sacks of seed inh is barn and he looks at his empty field.

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还研究了异烟肼、对氨基柳酸以及两者合用时对维生素B_6排泄的影响。The effects of INH, PAS and INH plus PAS on oxcretionof vitamin B_6 were also studied.

还研究了异烟肼、对氨基柳酸以及两者合用时对维生素B_6排泄的影响。The effects of INH, PAS and INH plus PAS on excretion of vitamin B_6 were also studied.

异烟肼作用的主要靶标是参与枝菌酸生物合成的蛋白质。The primary target of INH is the proteins involved in the biosynthesis of the mycolic acids.

而增加INH的剂量,相对的也增加了其不良反应的发生率。It was found that with the dose of INH increased, the incidence of adverse reactions also increased.

公司本着永不褪色的执着,永远延续的品牌,愿与各界朋友真诚合作,携手共创美妙的城市。Wed like to cooperate create splendid cities h inh with friends of all circles, eternal insistence br image.

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面对这种情况,将栏间三步跑的教学模式改为四步模式,并引入教学实践过程中进行探索性的尝试。To counter this condition, the writer has changed from three-pace run to four-pace run based on his teaching experience inh.

用标准分数评价的放射学病灶清除率亦是大剂量INH最高,根据文章报道。Radiological clearance of lesions as measured by standard scores was also maximal in the high-dose INH group, according to the article.

至少这一次,从十年预算计划里描述的应对气候变化的方案来看,一定是奥巴马的主意。That, at any rate, must be what Barack Obama is assuming, judging by the approach to climate change outlined inh is ten-year budget plan.

应用表明,键参数对碱金属卤化物晶格焓具有较好的线性相关性。Results show that bond parameter not only keep all information of the molecular connectivity but also can be applied inh alkaline metal compounds.

通过服用异烟肼结核患者血药浓度与基因型的关系,研究中国人NAT2慢代谢的分子机制,探索结核患者合理用药与NAT2基因多态性的关系。Through the study of NAT2 genotype and INH plasma concentration, we want to find out the relationship between NAT2 polymorphism and rational drug therapy.

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人民币国际化与亚元的培育应齐头并进,彼此间并非互相排斥,而有互动之效。RMB internationalization of the Asian dollar and the cultivation should go hand inh and with each other are not mutually exclusive, and interactive effect.

中国官方媒体新华社在一篇英语的评论中报导,美国应该停止唠叨有关法律,取而代之的是帮助北京打击恐怖主义。China's official X inh u a news agency, in an English-language commentary, said the US should stop harping on about the law and help Beijing fight terrorism instead.

然而,最近的研究表明,不论感染艾滋病儿童的家庭状况如何,异烟肼可以让这些儿童的艾滋病相关疾病的死亡数量减半。However recent research indicates that INH can halve the number of deaths due to AIDS related illnesses for HIV-positive children, regardless of household situation.