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我惊异于他的坦率。I was surprised at his candor.

我曾柔情似水满怀真挚地爱过你。I loved you tenderness and candor.

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你应当公正处理此事。You ought to treat these matter with candor.

直率而诚实的性格让他声誉鹊起。He has earned a reputation for candor and integrity.

你吃药后直率的样子还真是魅力无限啊。The charm of your drug addled candor knows no bounds.

无诚意或坦白直率的品质。The quality of being disingenuous and lacking candor.

甚至在人权计划中,这种坦率也是很明显的。This candor is even evident in the human rights plan.

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书里罕见的坦白之处,则以其他人作为代价。The rare moments of candor come at other people’s expense.

欣赏姜克隽的直率,一语道破了“低碳城市”的用途。Appreciate Jiang Kejun's candor about use of "low-carbon city."

出于所有这些原因,盖茨应该为他的坦率拍手叫好。For all those reasons, Gates should be applauded for his candor.

我性格活泼开朗,随和大方,待人坦诚。I character lively and cheerful, amiable and easy, treats people with candor.

随同这个乐观的评估,我必须要完全坦白委托一个谨慎的照会。Along with this optimistic estimate , I must in all candor leave one note of caution.

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在这里,以最大的开放程度探讨了学生和师父之间的持续复杂关系。Here the perennial relationship between student and master is explored with great candor.

而是一种伪心理学的残酷审讯,节目中参赛者用他们的坦白换取金钱。It’s a pseudo-psychological trial by ordeal in which the contestants trade candor for dollars.

也门社会没有坦诚对待性问题的传统,即使是对于那些受过教育的母女。Yemeni society has no tradition of candor about sex, even among educated mothers and daughters.

无论我们是怎样诚挚、忠实、纯洁,在我们的良心上,大家总有一些小小的、不足为害的谎话的裂痕。However pure and sincere we may be, we all bear upon our candor the crack of the little, innocent lie.

就连我的性格里的大不咧咧,直率急性子也是归结到了这乡音和东北胃了。Even my personality inside of carelessness and candor is from this native accent and northeast stomach.

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“他不停地说‘你能行,你能行,’”在同郑洁交谈中,她直率地跟我说。“He kept saying ‘you can do it, you can do it, ’” says Zheng, who talks about her game with easy candor.

所以,我很高兴能有机会跟在座各位朋友坦诚交流,进行思想上的碰撞,希望我们之间能够擦出火花,让今天下午的活动生动有趣,像你们一样富于活力。I'm expecting an interesting afternoon session. I hope my candor and candidness will match your vigor and vitality.

一种婴儿的天真和坦率,使奥德利夫人白皙的脸因而容光焕发,而且还从她那大大的水汪汪的蓝眼睛里闪耀出光芒来。The innocence and candor of an infant beamed in Lady Audley's fair face, and shone out of her large and liquid blue eyes.