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也吹绿了她的黑头发。Meanwhile her black hair.

与此同时,我开始了演讲。Meanwhile I started the speech.

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这期间我们住在埃伦·瓦宁。Meanwhile we stayed at Ellan Vannin.

同时,需求面看上去一贯强劲。Meanwhile the demand side looks strong.

同时,具有较好的广普性。Meanwhile the product can be used widely.

另外,她还用黄丝带装饰起了邮箱。Meanwhile yellow ribbon adorns her mailbox.

与此同时,在工业区,尼娜醒了过来。Meanwhile at the industrial site Nina wakes up.

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与此同时经营商们争相赶上。Meanwhile operators are scrambling to catch up.

同时,井淳子成立了女子登山俱乐部。Meanwhile Junko started a woman's climbing club.

同时哈登和威斯布鲁克都有点攻守不平衡。Meanwhile Harden and Westbrook slack in that area.

与此同时,在建的旧金山湾大桥东边部分长2。Meanwhile the new SF Bay Bridge eastern span is 2.

我的爸爸是一个广告商人,同时也是一位美术老师。My father is an adman meanwhile an art instructor.

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对其活化机理进行了探讨。The activation mechanism Ts Tnvestigated meanwhile.

同时,吸烟很浪掷金钱。Meanwhile smoking is a complete wbecausete of money.

与此同时,弗兰正和希德瑞克在巴德的公寓里幽会。Meanwhile , Fran and Sheldrake meet at the apartment.

同时,请调查贵处同行的动态。Meanwhile check competitor move where you are siting.

与此同时,俄国自身已经停止使用苏-33。Meanwhile. Russia itself has stopped using the Su-33.

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对于估值的精度同时进行了讨论。The accuracy of these estimators is studied meanwhile.

与此同时,他的妻子韩丹又打电话,传来了一个又一个的坏消息。Meanwhile his wife, Han Dan, called with more bad news.

同时,州际高速公路95贝沃德郡路段重新开放。Meanwhile Interstate 95 in Brevard County is open again.