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她着了魔。She was possessed by a devil.

他行为举止像是魔怔了。He behaved like someone possessed.

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他连一件吃饭穿的短上衣都没有。He never possessed a dinner jacket.

他把别人的土地佔为己有。He possessed himself of another's lands.

玛丽聪明睿智。Mary is possessed of great intelligence.

他有很强的自信心。He was possessed of great self-confidence.

洋基队现在整队都像著了魔。The New York Yankees are a team possessed.

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他们认为她是被魔鬼附身了。They believed she was possessed by devils.

我们现在没有更多的附体附体。Possessed by what we now no more possessed.

她有着芭蕾舞演员的优雅风度。She possessed the grace of a ballet dancer.

他们还有着敏锐的微光条件下视觉。They also possessed acute low-light vision.

他在海边拥有一幢大别墅。He possessed a large mansion by teh seaside.

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他的内心有了一种怪异的厌世情绪。A singular sort of misanthropy possessed him.

他像着了魔似地猛然冲出房门。He flew out of the room like a man possessed.

她把那些没人认领的货物占为己有。She possessed herself of the unclaimed goods.

她拥有一种细腻的美感。She possessed a fine----tuned sense of beauty.

我心中存着一个有意识的念头The one conscious thought by my mind possessed

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时常有人们肉体被夺舍的事件。Every now and then,people's bodies get possessed.

那位钢琴家像着了魔似地演奏着。The pianist played like a man possessed by devils.

那些都是天不怕地不怕的硬汉子。Those are certainly possessed of dauntless courage.