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如今,这种稳如磐石的形象开始动摇。That ironclad image is now tarnished.

一系列铁的事实驳得他哑口无言。A series of ironclad facts put him to silence.

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所有费用必须预先支付,这是铁的规定。The ironclad rule was that full payment had to be made in advance.

英国第一艘远洋装甲战艇“勇士号”下水。Britain´s first seagoing ironclad warship, HMS Warrior, was launched.

美国将继续对该地区的盟友保持“铁定的”承诺。The United States will keep its "ironclad" commitment to allies in the region, he added.

达赖集团的犯罪事实铁证如山,是抵赖不掉的。The crimes committed by the Dalai Clique are irrefutable and pinned down by ironclad evidence.

巨型低弦战舰一种19世纪的战船,外有厚重的铁甲包裹,还有一个低平的甲板和一个或多个炮塔收藏。A heavily ironclad warship of the19th century with a low, flat deck and one or more gun turrets.

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她们的自然联盟分裂了,伴随而来的是恐惧、顺从、抵抗、溃退和壁垒森严的互不信任。The sundering of their natural alliance was met by fear, compliance, resistance, flight, and ironclad distrust.

东皮尔巴拉地区行政长官亚兰•古柏说,有关单位准备让铁甲旅馆重新开张。Allen Cooper, chief executive of the East Pilbara Shire, said moves were already afoot to reopen the Ironclad Hotel.

我们没有铁定的方法去判断这项刺激计划的帮助,因为在更替变化的宇宙,我们不能重演过去六个月发生的事情。There is no ironclad way to judge the stimulus, because we can’t rerun the last six months in an alternate universe.

在最前排的就是1959-1966年连续八年蝉联总冠军的那支钢铁之师统治联盟的见证。Early in the row is ironclad evidence of one of sport's all-time juggernauts, world champions from 1959 through 1966.

胡锦涛之前表示,中国和苏联为世界反法西斯战争胜利作出了卓越贡献,这是“铁的事实”。Hu previously said the Soviet Union and China's contributions to victory in the World Anti-Fascist War are "ironclad."

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跟做父亲那种狭窄,紧张的生活相比,我觉得做母亲的日子过得比较宽松自在。By comparison with the narrow, ironclad days of fathers, there was an expansiveness, I thought, in the days of mothers.

有许多朋友们对于哪一位要做哪一部分的情感、逻辑工作都有着心照不宣但却”严格”的规定。Many friends have unspoken but ironclad rules about which person will do what share of the emotional and logistical work.

因此早期的成功并不一定保证你的宝宝会在你真正需要的时候接受奶瓶。So early success isn't necessarily an ironclad guarantee that your baby will take the bottle when you really want her to.

以前,被收购方通常总是只接受不受银行融资或收购方信用评级影响的固定协议。In the past, sellers typically sought ironclad agreements that weren't contingent on bank financing or buyer credit ratings.

但在中国没有任何一种品牌能具有奥迪A6那样的色彩,这种车是中国官员的半官方选择。But no vehicle in China has developed as ironclad a reputation as the Audi A6, the semiofficial choice of Chinese bureaucrats.

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评论家们说,内塔尼亚胡和巴拉克拒绝向帕内塔完全保证以色列不会单独采取行动。Commentators have said that Netanyahu and Barak declined to give Panetta an ironclad assurance that Israeli would not act alone.

20世纪是个科学知识氾滥的时代,而在知识的最深处,我们也发现了知识的极限。Deep in the deluge of knowledge that poured forth from science in the 20th century were found ironclad limits on what we can know.

一个罗切斯特城堡大包围的幸存者打架拯救他的家族从凯尔特人攻略。一部2011电影,“铁”。A survivor of the Great Siege of Rochester Castle fights to save his clan from from Celtic raiders. A sequel to the 2011 film, "Ironclad. ""