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哦,黎明之神,请将守护神解雇了吧!Oh Aurora, lay off the Patron.

有子爵赞助您。With the Vicomte as your patron.

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这位侯爵是艺术的大恩主。The marquis is a great patron of art.

圣大卫是威尔士的守护神。St David is the patron saint of Wales.

我希望你将成为我们的靠山。I hope that you will become our patron.

谭公是船员的保护神。Tam Kung is a patron saint of seafarers.

啊上帝,啊维纳斯,啊墨丘利,小偷的赞助者。God, O Venus, O Mercury, patron of thieves.

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圣人马修被视为是银行家的保护神。St. Matthew is the patron saint of bankers.

啊,史蒂夫·乔布斯,齿轮脑袋的保护神。Ah, Steve Jobs, the patron saint of gearheads.

有没有靠山,难道我会在乎么?Patron or no patron, what care I? You DO care.

他的赞助农民和农民的利益。He is the patron of farmers and agriculturalists.

被誉为妇科病人的健康守护神。Known as the patron saint of gynecological patients.

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赞助人经过一条铺着鹅卵石的小路。The patron came down a path paved with cobblestones.

汤韦坚逊是华米亚傲慢及好色的主顾。Tom Wilkinson is his arrogant and lascivious patron.

可是如果读者忘记了密码该怎么办?But what do we do if a patron forgets their password?

他成了所有人民的庇护者。He became more and more the patron of all the people.

如果一个顾主欺骗了他的顾客,让他受到法外惩罚。If a patron defrauds his client, let him be outlawed.

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我觉得为刚斩露头角的人才投资的想法不错。I love the idea of being a patron of burgeoning talent.

圣凯瑟琳被指定为轮子制造者的保护圣者。St. Catherine was named the patron saint of wheelwrights.

叶卡捷琳娜大帝资助发展艺术和科学。Catherine the Great was a patron of the arts and sciences.