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水朝东北方流去。The current had a northeasterly set.

吹和缓东至东北风。Moderate east to northeasterly winds.

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接下去往东北方向攀登的路通往了寺庙谷的最后一个部分。The next bit of the path led in a northeasterly ascent to the last part of Temple Valley.

闽南地区在偏西风下的酸雨出现率大,东北风下最小。The frequency is large with the westerly wind but small with the northeasterly wind in southern Fujian.

看来,强势的东北风正向京城楼市的上空袭来,太阳宫不会让大家期待太久了!It seems that recently the property market is strong northeasterly over again, we look forward to Taiyanggong not too!

这种东北风似乎能够解释为什么河谷两侧的沙丘山脊都有规律的指向峡谷。These northeasterly winds are likely responsible for the regular dune arms that point into the valley from both sides.

整天吹着的东北风吹得我刺骨的冷,而人们的行为使我的心更冷得厉害。The northeasterly winds blowing all day blowing my biting cold, but people's behavior so that my heart is more severe cold.

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非洲和孟加拉湾地区也有明显的东北风吹到近赤道地区。Africa and the Bay of Bengal region and there have been noticeable Chuidao the northeasterly winds near the equatorial regions.

周日早晨,“国王”级海潮被低气压系统提升威力,并且被东北风“推波助澜”,侵袭了整个的北向海岸线。Sunday morning's king tide was "lifted" by a low pressure system, and pushed by northeasterly winds into north-facing coastlines.

预料在馀下时间威马逊将沿副热带高压脊的西北部向东北加速移动。It will maintain its northeasterly movement along the northwest periphery of the subtropical ridge in the rest of the forecast period.

秋天,东北风给香港吹来了最佳的远足季节,夏日的闷热逐渐退去,取而代之的是干燥凉爽的天气。Autumn's northeasterly winds bring the prime hiking season to Hong Kong, as the summer's hot, humid weather gives way to drier, cooler days.

预料在馀下时间威马逊将沿副热带高压脊的西北部向东北加速移动。RAMMASUN will maintain its northeasterly movement along the northwest periphery of the subtropical ridge in the rest of the forecast period.

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由于山区南部曝光后,屏蔽范围从目前的东北风吹袭,从而得到小时的太阳每一天。Due to the mountain's southern exposure, the area is shielded from the prevailing Northeasterly winds, and thus receives hours of sun each day.

台北的天空,大片的乌云罩顶,仔细观察,云动的好快,因为这正是东北季风逐渐增强的现象。Close observation of the clouds that covered Taipei's sky on Thursday showed them moving very quickly. This is a regular phenomenon during the northeasterly monsoon season.

亚特兰蒂斯号沿着向东北方向的轨迹,加速飞入多云的天空,沿着预订轨道在星期三下午与国际空间站对接。Wheeling about to line up on a northeasterly trajectory, Atlantis accelerated through a partly cloudy sky, on course for a docking with the space station around noon Wednesday.

开波啦,东北风!一个很像样的高气压正逐渐向华南伸展,东、东北、或北风都会越来越多,越来越密,越来越好玩!While the high pressure extending to the southeast coast of China, plus a small tiny low pressure system will bring good northeasterly wind to Hong Kong this 2 days, good luck!

黎平天生桥位于贵州省黎平县城东北12公里的湾寨右侧处,是世界上最长最大的天生桥。Liping Godsend Bridge, on the right side of Wanzhai Village, 12 miles away northeasterly from Liping County, Guizhou province, is the biggest and longest natural bridge in the world.