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制定行动计划。Plan for action.

用行动捐助。Donation by Action.

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让行动来说话吧。Say it with action.

光说不练。All talk, no action.

他是行动派。He is man of action.

它会令行动瘫痪。It paralyzes action.

动作冒险类的。Action and adventure.

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行动是可以慰藉的。Action is consolatory.

行为叫作“业”,是你的源动力。Action is called karma.

我已经在工作中看到了成效。I've seen it in action.

“少说多做”。Less talk, more action.

我们必须采取行动。We have to take action.

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但行动是必需的。But action is necessary.

比较激发光谱。Compare action spectrum.

恐惧减弱行动。Fear debilitates action.

他在非洲打过仗。He saw action in Africa.

我喜欢动作惊险片。I love action thrillers.

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一条语句是个动作。A statement is an action.

我们的经济仍在遭受创痛……需要采取进一步措施。Further action is needed.

他在战斗中挂了花。He got wounded in action.