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气压表的水银柱在上升。The barometer is rising.

经济就是晴雨表。The barometer is economic.

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但气压计只好报废了。But bad luck on the barometer.

天将会下雨,因为气压表正在下降。It will rain, for the barometer is falling.

金钱是衡量一个社会的美德的晴雨表。Money is the barometer of a society's virtue.

一项独立的就业情况气压表也在下降。A separate barometer of hiring also turned down.

高压输电线断落,造成大面积停电。Barometer readings are plotted on a pressure chart.

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气压计上的箭头指向“有暴风雨”。The arrow on the barometer was pointing to"stormy".

不过,你出发前还有时间来看一眼晴雨表。Yet you had time to stay and look at your barometer.

扔下气压表,用秒表测出它降落的时间。Drop the barometer and time its fall with a stopwatch.

气压计被用来测量大气压力。A barometer is used for measuring atmospheric pressure.

当然,个人储蓄率仍然是一个有用的晴雨表。Still, the personal saving rate can be a useful barometer.

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这同样也是体现谁家得势谁家失意很好的晴雨表。They, too, are a good barometer of who is up and who is down.

然而博伦想要完成一个更加细致的情绪晴雨表。But Bollen wanted to build a more nuanced emotional barometer.

气压计是丈量气压的好仪器。The barometer is a good instrument for measuring air pressure.

气压表表明气压在继续下降。The barometer marked a continuing fall in atmospheric pressure.

在这个方法里,你可以带上气压计走楼梯。In this method, you take the barometer and begin to walk up the stairs.

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为什么晴雨表说下雨,你就坚信不疑呢?And why should you think it would rain unless the barometer told you so?

我喜欢在手腕上随时都带着海拔计,气压计和罗盘。I love having an altimeter, barometer and compass on my wrist at all times.

但是如果表态是立法唯一的晴雨表,事情就复杂了。But if consent is our only barometer of legalisation, things get complicated.